How to use the command 'blurlock' (with examples)

How to use the command 'blurlock' (with examples)

This article provides a clear guide on how to use the ‘blurlock’ command with various examples.

Command Description:

‘blurlock’ is a simple wrapper around the i3 screen locker ‘i3lock’. It is used to lock the screen and display a blurred screenshot of the current screen. This command provides additional options to customize the lock screen behavior.

Use case 1: Lock the screen to a blurred screenshot of the current screen




The motivation behind using this example is to quickly lock the screen and prevent others from accessing the system. By using the ‘blurlock’ command without any arguments, it will lock the screen with a blurred screenshot of the current screen.


The command ‘blurlock’ without any arguments locks the screen using a blurred screenshot of the current screen. It captures the current screen, applies a blur effect to it, and sets it as the lock screen background.

Example output:

After executing the command, the screen will be locked with a blurred screenshot of the current screen.

Use case 2: Lock the screen and disable the unlock indicator


blurlock --no-unlock-indicator


The motivation behind using this example is to remove the unlock indicator feedback on keypress. By disabling the unlock indicator, it provides a cleaner lock screen without any visual cues.


By using the argument ‘–no-unlock-indicator’, the unlock indicator feedback on keypress will be disabled. This means that when typing the password, there will be no visual feedback such as asterisks or dots indicating the keypresses.

Example output:

After executing the command, the screen will be locked without any unlock indicator feedback. The user will need to type the password blindly without any visual cues.

Use case 3: Lock the screen and don’t hide the mouse pointer


blurlock --pointer default


The motivation behind using this example is to keep the mouse pointer visible even when the screen is locked. This can be useful in situations where the user wants to quickly move the mouse to access a particular area of the screen after unlocking.


By using the argument ‘–pointer default’, the mouse pointer will remain visible on the lock screen. This allows the user to quickly move the mouse to a specific location on the locked screen before unlocking it.

Example output:

After executing the command, the screen will be locked with the mouse pointer still visible. The user can move the mouse freely on the locked screen.

Use case 4: Lock the screen and show the number of failed login attempts


blurlock --show-failed-attempts


The motivation behind using this example is to display the number of failed login attempts on the lock screen. This can provide information about any unauthorized access attempts made while the system was locked.


By using the argument ‘–show-failed-attempts’, the number of failed login attempts will be displayed on the lock screen. This can be useful to track any unauthorized access attempts or to assess the security of the system.

Example output:

After executing the command, the screen will be locked with the number of failed login attempts displayed. It will show the count of unsuccessful login attempts since the previous successful login.


The ‘blurlock’ command is a useful tool that allows users to lock their screens with a blurred screenshot of the current screen. It provides several options to customize the lock screen behavior, such as disabling the unlock indicator, keeping the mouse pointer visible, and showing the number of failed login attempts. By understanding and using these examples, users can efficiently utilize the ‘blurlock’ command and enhance the security of their systems.

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