How to use the command 'bnepd' (with examples)

How to use the command 'bnepd' (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

The ‘bnepd’ command is a service on Unix systems that handles all Bluetooth network connections. It is not meant to be invoked manually, but rather is started automatically as a daemon.

Use case 1: Start the daemon



Motivation: The ‘bnepd’ daemon is responsible for managing Bluetooth network connections. Starting the daemon ensures that Bluetooth connections can be established and managed on the system.

Explanation: The ‘bnepd’ command starts the daemon process that handles Bluetooth network connections. There are no arguments or options to provide, as the daemon is started with default settings.

Example output:

Starting bnepd daemon...


The ‘bnepd’ command is used to start the daemon responsible for managing Bluetooth network connections on Unix systems. It should not be invoked manually, but rather started automatically when needed.

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