How to use the command 'box' (with examples)

How to use the command 'box' (with examples)

The ‘box’ command is a PHP application used for building and managing Phar files. It provides various functionalities for creating and manipulating Phar archives. This article provides examples of different use cases of the ‘box’ command.

Use case 1: Compile a new Phar file


box compile

Motivation: This use case allows users to compile their PHP code into a Phar archive, which can be distributed and executed as a single executable file. Compiling the code into a Phar file provides better performance and security compared to running the code directly.

Explanation: The command ‘box compile’ compiles a new Phar file from the sources and configuration specified in the ‘box.json’ file in the current directory. This command uses the default configuration and assumes that the ‘box.json’ file is present.

Example output:

Phar is compiled successfully.

Use case 2: Compile a new Phar file using a specific config file


box compile -c path/to/config

Motivation: This use case allows users to compile a Phar file using a specific configuration file. By specifying a custom configuration file, users can customize the compilation process according to their needs.

Explanation: The command ‘box compile’ with the option ‘-c’ allows users to specify a custom configuration file to use for compiling the Phar file. The ‘path/to/config’ argument should be replaced with the actual path to the custom configuration file.

Example output:

Phar is compiled successfully using the specified config file.

Use case 3: Display information about the PHAR PHP extension


box info

Motivation: This use case provides information about the PHAR PHP extension installed in the PHP environment. It can be useful to check the installed version and other details of the extension.

Explanation: The command ‘box info’ displays information about the PHAR PHP extension, including the installed version, build date, and other details. This information can help users troubleshoot any issues related to the PHAR extension.

Example output:

Phar PHP extension version: 2.0.0
Build date: 2022-01-01

Use case 4: Display information about a specific Phar file


box info path/to/phar_file

Motivation: This use case allows users to retrieve information about a specific Phar file. It can be helpful to check the metadata and properties of a Phar archive.

Explanation: The command ‘box info’ with the ‘path/to/phar_file’ argument displays information about a specific Phar file. The command provides details such as the file name, file size, number of files inside the Phar, and other metadata.

Example output:

Phar file: myapp.phar
File size: 10 MB
Number of files: 50

Use case 5: Validate the first found config file in the working directory


box validate

Motivation: This use case allows users to quickly validate the configuration file used for compiling the Phar file. It helps in identifying any syntax errors or issues in the configuration file.

Explanation: The command ‘box validate’ validates the first found config file (usually ‘box.json’) in the working directory. It checks for any syntax errors or issues in the configuration file and provides feedback on whether the configuration is valid or not.

Example output:

Configuration file is valid.

Use case 6: Verify the signature of a specific Phar file


box verify path/to/phar_file

Motivation: This use case allows users to verify the integrity and authenticity of a specific Phar file. Verifying the signature ensures that the Phar file has not been modified or tampered with.

Explanation: The command ‘box verify’ verifies the signature of a specific Phar file. It checks the cryptographic signature embedded in the Phar file and verifies its integrity. The ‘path/to/phar_file’ argument should be replaced with the actual path to the Phar file to be verified.

Example output:

Phar file signature is valid.

Use case 7: Display all available commands and options


box help

Motivation: This use case provides an overview of all available commands and options supported by the ‘box’ command. It helps users understand the full range of functionalities offered by the ‘box’ command.

Explanation: The command ‘box help’ displays all available commands and options provided by the ‘box’ command. This includes a description of each command and the available options with their usage and descriptions.

Example output:

Available commands:

- compile: Compile a new Phar file.
- info: Display information about Phar files and PHP extensions.
- validate: Validate the configuration file.
- verify: Verify the integrity of Phar files.
- help: Display help information for the 'box' command.

For more details, use 'box help <command>' or visit the GitHub repository.


The ‘box’ command provides a comprehensive set of functionalities for creating and managing Phar files. It allows users to compile PHP code into a Phar archive, display information about Phar files and PHP extensions, validate configuration files, verify file signatures, and get help with command usage. By understanding and utilizing the various use cases of the ‘box’ command, users can effectively build and manage Phar archives for their PHP applications.

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