How to Use the Command 'br' for Navigating Directories (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'br' for Navigating Directories (with Examples)

The br command, short for broot, is a powerful tool that facilitates interactive navigation of directory trees within the command line. With br, you can explore directories with ease, thanks to its intuitive interface and useful features. It allows you to view file metadata like sizes, permissions, and even hidden files. For developers, system administrators, and anyone else who regularly works in a command-line environment, br is an invaluable tool. Below are several use cases demonstrating its capabilities.

Use case 1: Start and Navigate the Current Directory Tree Interactively




Navigating through file systems efficiently is crucial for anyone working extensively in the command line environment. br provides a visual and interactive way to explore directories, making it easier to find, edit, or manage files without constantly typing awkward path commands. This is particularly useful for beginners who may not be familiar with deeply nested directory structures, as well as for seasoned users who need to access files quicker.


In this case, the command br is used without any options or arguments. When executed, it launches an interactive directory tree view of your current directory. This view allows users to navigate through directories using simple keyboard controls (arrow keys), making it an efficient alternative to traditional command-line navigation using cd or ls.

Example Output:

The output will be a tree-like structure of the current directory, where you can expand and collapse directories interactively to explore their contents. While br is running, you won’t see typical command-line output, but rather an interactive interface.

Use case 2: Start Displaying the Size of Files and Directories


br --sizes


Directory management often involves understanding the size of files and directories, particularly when dealing with limited disk space. By executing the br --sizes command, you can conveniently obtain a visual representation of file and directory sizes, aiding in decision-making processes for file management and space optimization.


The option --sizes in the br command instructs the tool to calculate and display the size of each file and directory within the current directory tree. This information is presented interactively, giving users insight into the volume of data they are dealing with, and helping in identifying large files or directories that may need to be pruned or optimized.

Example Output:

An interactive tree will display files and directories along with their respective sizes. Larger files or folders might be highlighted or shown in a different color to draw attention to their resource usage.

Use case 3: Start Displaying Permissions


br --permissions


File permissions are a fundamental aspect of system security and access control. Knowing the permissions set on files and directories is vital for ensuring restricted access to sensitive information and maintaining system integrity. With br --permissions, users can quickly and easily see these permissions in the context of their directory structures.


The --permissions option modifies the default output of br to include file and directory permissions. Each file and directory entry in the interactive tree will show who can read, write, or execute the file, represented in the typical rwx format used in Unix-like systems.

Example Output:

A directory tree is displayed interactively, with additional columns or annotations indicating file permissions, such as rwxr-xr-- for each item, providing immediate and clear visibility into access rights.

Use case 4: Start Displaying Directories Only


br --only-folders


There are instances when you may wish to focus solely on directory structures, perhaps when planning to re-organize a file system, or when analyzing the depth and breadth of directory hierarchies. Using br --only-folders, users can filter out files, concentrating exclusively on directories, simplifying navigation for these purposes.


By adding the --only-folders option, br limits its interactive tree view to directories alone, omitting files from the display. This makes it easier to manage and re-structure directories without the distraction or clutter of individual files.

Example Output:

An interactive directory tree appears, but with only directories shown. This streamlined view emphasizes folder hierarchy, showing how directories are nested without listing the files they contain.

Use case 5: Start Displaying Hidden Files and Directories


br --hidden


In operating systems like Linux and macOS, files and directories prefixed with a dot (.) are considered hidden. These often contain configuration or system files. Being able to see these files is crucial for troubleshooting, customization, and managing system preferences. The br --hidden command expands visibility to include these files in routine directory navigation.


Using the --hidden flag, br includes hidden files and directories in its interactive display of the current directory tree. This ensures users aren’t accidentally ignoring important settings or configuration files that may be essential for applications or the system.

Example Output:

Like the standard output of br, you get an interactive directory tree, but with hidden files and directories included. These entries are typically displayed with a different set of formatting or color to distinguish them from non-hidden items.


The br command is a versatile tool that enhances the command-line experience by offering an interactive way to navigate complex directory structures. Through various options like displaying sizes, permissions, focusing on directories, and including hidden files, br provides users with comprehensive insights and control over their file systems. Whether you are managing a personal project or administrating a server, these functionalities streamline workflows and improve efficiency significantly.

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