How to use the command 'brew uninstall' (with examples)

How to use the command 'brew uninstall' (with examples)

The ‘brew uninstall’ command is used to remove a Homebrew formula or cask from your system. It allows you to uninstall specific packages or applications installed using Homebrew, which is a package manager for macOS.

Use case 1: Uninstall a formula/cask


brew uninstall formula|cask


Uninstalling a formula or cask using the ‘brew uninstall’ command is useful when you no longer need a particular package or application on your system. This can help you free up disk space and maintain a clean and organized set of installed software.


  • ‘brew uninstall’: This is the command to uninstall a formula or cask.
  • ‘formula|cask’: Replace ‘formula’ or ‘cask’ with the name of the package or application you want to uninstall.

Example output:

$ brew uninstall git
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/git/2.32.0... (1,141 files, 47.2MB)

In this example, the command ‘brew uninstall git’ is used to uninstall the Git package. The output shows that the package has been uninstalled successfully, along with the number of files and disk space freed up.

Use case 2: Uninstall a cask and remove all associated files


brew uninstall --zap cask


When uninstalling a cask, Homebrew normally leaves associated files and directories intact. However, in some cases, you may want to completely remove all files related to the cask. The ‘–zap’ option allows you to do this.


  • ‘brew uninstall’: This is the command to uninstall a cask.
  • ‘–zap’: This option removes all associated files and directories.

Example output:

$ brew uninstall --zap visual-studio-code
Uninstalling /usr/local/Caskroom/visual-studio-code/1.49.1,0... (867 files, 178.6MB)

Here, the command ‘brew uninstall –zap visual-studio-code’ is used to uninstall the Visual Studio Code cask and remove all associated files. The output shows the successful uninstallation and the amount of disk space freed up.


The ‘brew uninstall’ command is a convenient way to remove Homebrew formulas or casks from your macOS system. Whether you want to uninstall a specific package or completely remove all associated files, this command provides flexibility and control over your installed software.

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