How to use the command "brew upgrade" (with examples)

How to use the command "brew upgrade" (with examples)

This article will explain how to use the “brew upgrade” command, which is used to upgrade outdated formulae and casks on a macOS system. It provides several use cases that cover different scenarios.

Use case 1: Upgrade all outdated casks and formulae


brew upgrade

Motivation: The motivation behind using this example is to upgrade all outdated casks and formulae on a macOS system. This ensures that the system has the latest versions of all installed packages, which might include bug fixes, new features, or security updates.

Explanation: Using the “brew upgrade” command without any arguments will upgrade all outdated casks and formulae. This will update each package to the latest available version.

Example output:

==> Upgrading 2 outdated packages, with result:
Formula/cask1 1.0.2 -> 1.0.3
Formula/cask2 2.5.1 -> 2.6.0

Use case 2: Upgrade a specific formula/cask


brew upgrade formula|cask

Motivation: The motivation behind using this example is to upgrade a specific formula or cask on a macOS system. This allows the user to selectively upgrade only the packages they are interested in, instead of upgrading everything.

Explanation: Using the “brew upgrade” command followed by the name of a specific formula or cask will upgrade only that package. This ensures that only the chosen package is upgraded, while other packages remain untouched.

Example output:

==> Upgrading formula/cask to 1.0.3

Use case 3: Print what would be upgraded, but don’t actually upgrade anything


brew upgrade --dry-run

Motivation: The motivation behind using this example is to preview what would be upgraded without actually performing the upgrade. This allows the user to see a list of outdated packages and assess the potential impact of the upgrade before proceeding.

Explanation: Using the “brew upgrade” command with the “–dry-run” option will print a list of outdated packages that would be upgraded. However, it won’t actually perform any upgrades. This is useful for checking if there are any problematic upgrades or to simply get an overview before proceeding.

Example output:

==> Upgrading 2 outdated packages, with result:
Formula/cask1 1.0.2 -> 1.0.3
Formula/cask2 2.5.1 -> 2.6.0


The “brew upgrade” command is a powerful tool for managing and upgrading packages on a macOS system. It allows users to upgrade all outdated casks and formulae, selectively upgrade specific packages, or simply preview the upgrades without actually performing them. By understanding and utilizing these use cases, users can effectively upgrade their packages according to their specific needs.

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