How to use the command 'brightness' (with examples)

How to use the command 'brightness' (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

The ‘brightness’ command is used to get and set the brightness level of all internal and certain external displays. It is a useful tool for adjusting the brightness of your screen, especially when working in low-light conditions or to conserve battery life.

Use case 1: Show current brightness


brightness -l


Sometimes, you may want to know the current brightness level of your display. This use case allows you to quickly check the existing brightness level without modifying it.


The ‘-l’ flag in the command is used to show the current brightness level of the display. It retrieves the current brightness value and displays it as a percentage.

Example output:

Brightness: 50%

Use case 2: Set the brightness to 100%


brightness 1


If you prefer your screen to be at full brightness, this use case allows you to easily set the brightness level to 100%. This can be useful when working in bright environments or when you need maximum visibility.


In the command, the numeric value ‘1’ represents 100% brightness. By setting the brightness argument to ‘1’, the command will adjust the display’s brightness level accordingly, maximizing it to its full capacity.

Example output:

Brightness set to 100%

Use case 3: Set the brightness to 50%


brightness 0.5


Lowering the brightness level can reduce eye strain and conserve battery life, especially when using your device in low-light conditions. This use case allows you to set the brightness level to 50%, providing a balanced brightness that is neither too bright nor too dim.


Setting the brightness argument to ‘0.5’ in the command will adjust the display’s brightness level to 50%. This value represents 50% of the display’s maximum brightness capacity.

Example output:

Brightness set to 50%


The ‘brightness’ command is a powerful tool for managing the brightness level of your display. Whether you want to check the current brightness, set it to the maximum, or adjust it to a specific percentage, this command provides a simple and efficient way to control the brightness of your screen.

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