How to use the command 'bspwm' (with examples)

How to use the command 'bspwm' (with examples)

Bspwm, or Binary Space Partitioning Window Manager, is a highly efficient tiling window manager that helps users manage their desktop environment with ease. It relies on binary space partitioning, offering a clean, straightforward method of managing application windows. Unlike some window managers that handle responses directly, bspwm is a bit different since it is designed exclusively to handle the arrangement and management of windows, using a separate client, bspc, for other controls and commands.

Use case: Start bspwm


bspwm -c path/to/config


Starting bspwm is the first and most fundamental step in utilizing its tiling window management capabilities. Bspwm provides an organized and efficient workspace environment by arranging windows in a grid pattern depending on user commands. The initiation of bspwm with a configuration file empowers users to tailor their desktop environment to their specific preferences. Using configuration files allows for customization and personalization of the working environment, which can result in improved productivity and user experience, particularly for users who spend extensive time on their computers and desire a personalized approach to managing their windows.


  • bspwm: This is the command used to run the Binary Space Partitioning Window Manager. It must be executed in a terminal environment without any other active window manager. This requirement is crucial to prevent conflicts that might arise from multiple window managers trying to control the same workspace\ environment simultaneously.

  • -c: This option specifies that the subsequent argument will be the path to the configuration file. The configuration file commands bspwm on how to structure the layout and behavior of windows, defining aspects such as key bindings, appearance, rules for specific applications, and other operational parameters.

  • path/to/config: This is a placeholder path indicating where the configuration file is located. The file acts as a blueprint for how bspwm should function and is essential for setting up bspwm according to the user’s unique requirements and preferences.

Example Output:

Upon running the command bspwm -c path/to/config, no visible terminal output is generally produced, as the command switches the system to the bspwm environment. However, the user will notice a shift to a minimalistic and efficient window interface based on the configurations specified in the configuration file. Any incorrect configuration path or file issues might prompt an error message, ensuring necessary corrections are made before successfully launching bspwm.


Bspwm is a unique and specialized tool for managing windows efficiently, offering customizable options for users seeking a highly tailored desktop environment. By understanding how to start bspwm with a proper configuration file, users can tap into the powerful capabilities it offers for workspace organization. The process requires ensuring that no other window manager is active and setting the correct path to a well-defined configuration file. Using bspwm can significantly improve productivity and user experience for individuals who require robust window management on their personal computers.

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