How to use the command 'btm' (with examples)

How to use the command 'btm' (with examples)

The ‘btm’ command is an alternative to ’top’ that aims to be lightweight, cross-platform, and more graphical. It provides various options and features to display system information such as CPU usage, memory usage, temperatures, disk usage, network activity, and running processes. This article will illustrate each of these use cases of the ‘btm’ command, along with their code, motivation, explanation, and example output.

Use case 1: Show the default layout (CPU, memory, temperatures, disk, network, and processes)




The motivation for using this example is to have a quick overview of the system’s performance. The default layout provides key information such as CPU and memory usage, temperatures, disk activity, network activity, and running processes.


In this use case, the ‘btm’ command is executed without any additional options. This will display the default layout which includes CPU usage, memory usage, temperatures, disk usage, network activity, and information about running processes.

Example output:

Example output here

Use case 2: Enable basic mode, removing charts and condensing data (similar to ’top’)


btm --basic


The motivation for using this example is to simplify the displayed information and make it more similar to the ’top’ command. By enabling basic mode, the charts are removed and the data is condensed for easier readability.


In this use case, the ‘btm’ command is executed with the ‘–basic’ option. This option removes the charts and condenses the data, making it more similar to the output of the ’top’ command.

Example output:

Example output here

Use case 3: Use big dots instead of small ones in charts


btm --dot_marker


The motivation for using this example is to change the markers used in the charts. By using big dots instead of small ones, the charts become more visually appealing and easier to read.


In this use case, the ‘btm’ command is executed with the ‘–dot_marker’ option. This option changes the markers in the charts to big dots, enhancing the visual representation of the data.

Example output:

Example output here

Use case 4: Show also battery charge and health status


btm --battery


The motivation for using this example is to monitor the battery status of a laptop or portable device. By enabling the battery option, the ‘btm’ command will display the battery charge level and health status in addition to other system information.


In this use case, the ‘btm’ command is executed with the ‘–battery’ option. This option enables the display of battery charge level and health status along with the standard system information.

Example output:

Example output here

Use case 5: Refresh every 250 milliseconds and show the last 30 seconds in the charts


btm --rate 250 --default_time_value 30000


The motivation for using this example is to customize the refresh rate and time range of the charts. By specifying a refresh rate of 250 milliseconds and showing the last 30 seconds in the charts, a more detailed and real-time view of system performance can be obtained.


In this use case, the ‘btm’ command is executed with the ‘–rate’ and ‘–default_time_value’ options. The ‘–rate’ option is set to 250, which specifies the refresh rate in milliseconds. The ‘–default_time_value’ option is set to 30000, which specifies the time range in milliseconds to be displayed in the charts.

Example output:

Example output here


The ‘btm’ command provides a lightweight, cross-platform, and graphical alternative to the ’top’ command for monitoring system performance. By understanding and utilizing the various options and features of the ‘btm’ command, users can tailor the displayed information according to their needs and preferences. Whether it’s a quick overview or a detailed analysis, ‘btm’ offers flexibility and ease of use in monitoring system resources.

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