Using the btrfs check command (with examples)

Using the btrfs check command (with examples)

Example 1: Check a btrfs filesystem

This example demonstrates how to use the btrfs check command to check the integrity of a btrfs filesystem.


sudo btrfs check path/to/partition


A btrfs filesystem may develop inconsistencies or errors over time due to various reasons such as power failures, hardware issues, or software bugs. It is important to periodically check the filesystem to detect and rectify these issues before they cause data corruption or loss.


  • sudo: This command is executed with administrator privileges since the btrfs check command requires root access to perform filesystem checks.
  • btrfs check: This is the main command that allows for checking and repairing a btrfs filesystem.
  • path/to/partition: This argument specifies the path to the btrfs partition or device that needs to be checked.

Example Output:

The output of this command will vary depending on the state of the filesystem. If no errors are detected, the command will display a message indicating that the filesystem is clean. If errors are found, the command will provide information about the specific errors along with suggested actions to resolve them.

Example 2: Check and repair a btrfs filesystem (dangerous)

This example demonstrates how to use the btrfs check command with the --repair option to check and repair a btrfs filesystem.


sudo btrfs check --repair path/to/partition


If errors are detected in the btrfs filesystem during the check process, it is often necessary to repair those errors in order to ensure data integrity. The --repair option allows the btrfs check command to automatically fix certain types of errors.


  • --repair: This option enables the repair functionality of the btrfs check command. With this option, the command will attempt to automatically fix the detected errors in the filesystem.
  • All other arguments and options remain the same as in the previous example.

Example Output:

The output of this command will provide information about the detected errors and the actions taken to repair them. If the repair process is successful, the command will display a message indicating that the repairs were completed.

Example 3: Show the progress of the check

This example demonstrates how to use the btrfs check command with the --progress option to display the progress of the filesystem check.


sudo btrfs check --progress path/to/partition


When checking a large btrfs filesystem, it can be helpful to see the progress of the check in order to estimate the remaining time or to verify that the check is still running.


  • --progress: This option enables the progress display of the btrfs check command. With this option, the command will periodically update the progress information on the screen.
  • All other arguments and options remain the same.

Example Output:

The output of this command will display the current progress of the check, typically in the form of a percentage. It will also provide additional information such as the number of scanned objects and files.

Example 4: Verify the checksum of each data block (if the filesystem is good)

This example demonstrates how to use the btrfs check command with the --check-data-csum option to verify the checksum of each data block in a btrfs filesystem.


sudo btrfs check --check-data-csum path/to/partition


Checksum verification is an essential step in ensuring the integrity of data stored in a filesystem. Verifying the checksum of each data block can help identify any corrupted or modified data.


  • --check-data-csum: This option enables the checksum verification functionality of the btrfs check command. With this option, the command will calculate and compare the checksums of each data block in the filesystem.
  • All other arguments and options remain the same.

Example Output:

The output of this command will indicate whether the checksums of all data blocks match the expected values. If the filesystem is in good condition, the command will display a message indicating that the checksum verification completed successfully. If any data blocks have incorrect checksums, the command will provide information about the affected blocks.

Example 5: Use the n-th superblock (n can be 0, 1 or 2)

This example demonstrates how to use the btrfs check command with the --super option to specify the superblock to be used for the check.


sudo btrfs check --super n path/to/partition


A btrfs filesystem contains multiple superblocks, which store critical metadata about the filesystem. By default, the btrfs check command uses the primary superblock, but it is possible to specify a different superblock to be used for the check.


  • --super n: This option allows selecting a specific superblock to be used by the btrfs check command. The value of n determines which superblock is used, where n can be 0, 1, or 2.
  • All other arguments and options remain the same.

Example Output:

The output of this command will be the same as in the previous examples, but the check will be performed using the specified superblock instead of the default primary superblock.

Example 6: Rebuild the checksum tree

This example demonstrates how to use the btrfs check command with the --repair --init-csum-tree options to rebuild the checksum tree of a btrfs filesystem.


sudo btrfs check --repair --init-csum-tree path/to/partition


The checksum tree in a btrfs filesystem ensures data integrity by maintaining the checksums of data blocks. If the checksum tree becomes corrupted or damaged, it can lead to errors in the filesystem. Rebuilding the checksum tree can help resolve such issues.


  • --repair: This option enables the repair functionality of the btrfs check command.
  • --init-csum-tree: This option specifies that the checksum tree needs to be initialized or rebuilt during the repair process.
  • All other arguments remain the same.

Example Output:

The output of this command will display information about the repair process, including the progress and any errors encountered. If the repair is successful, the command will display a message indicating that the checksum tree has been rebuilt.

Example 7: Rebuild the extent tree

This example demonstrates how to use the btrfs check command with the --repair --init-extent-tree options to rebuild the extent tree of a btrfs filesystem.


sudo btrfs check --repair --init-extent-tree path/to/partition


The extent tree in a btrfs filesystem manages the allocation and mapping of file data blocks. If the extent tree becomes corrupted or damaged, it can lead to errors in data allocation and retrieval. Rebuilding the extent tree can help resolve such issues.


  • --repair: This option enables the repair functionality of the btrfs check command.
  • --init-extent-tree: This option specifies that the extent tree needs to be initialized or rebuilt during the repair process.
  • All other arguments remain the same.

Example Output:

The output of this command will be similar to the previous example, but the repair process will focus on rebuilding the extent tree. If the repair is successful, the command will display a message indicating that the extent tree has been rebuilt.


In this article, we explored the various use cases of the btrfs check command along with code examples, motivations, explanations, and example outputs for each use case. Understanding and utilizing these different options and functionalities of the btrfs check command can help ensure the data integrity and reliability of a btrfs filesystem.

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