Understanding and Managing btrfs Filesystems (with examples)

Understanding and Managing btrfs Filesystems (with examples)


The btrfs filesystem is a modern and feature-rich filesystem for Linux systems. It provides advanced functionality such as snapshotting, RAID, compression, and deduplication. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the btrfs filesystem command, along with code examples, to help you better understand and manage btrfs filesystems.

Use Case 1: Show Filesystem Usage

To get an overview of the space usage of a btrfs filesystem, you can use the btrfs filesystem usage command. This command provides information about the total size, used space, and available space of the filesystem.

btrfs filesystem usage /path/to/btrfs_mount

Motivation: Understanding the filesystem usage is crucial for capacity planning, identifying space-consuming directories, or monitoring disk usage.


  • /path/to/btrfs_mount: The mount point of the btrfs filesystem.

Example Output:

    Device size:           100GiB
    Used:                  50GiB
    Free (estimated):      30GiB  (device size minus used)
    Data ratio:            1.00
    Metadata ratio:        1.00

Use Case 2: Show Usage by Individual Devices

To retrieve information about the space usage of individual devices within a btrfs filesystem, you can use the btrfs filesystem show command. This is useful when you have multiple devices contributing to a single btrfs filesystem, such as in RAID configurations.

sudo btrfs filesystem show /path/to/btrfs_mount

Motivation: Knowing the usage of individual devices helps in identifying disk imbalances, failed devices, or performance bottlenecks.


  • /path/to/btrfs_mount: The mount point of the btrfs filesystem.

Example Output:

Label: none  uuid: feec4444-bd46-4d5c-bb55-fc4c6d26717a
Total devices 2 FS bytes used 64.00KiB
Device size:           100GiB
    ID        SIZE  PATH
     1      50.00GiB  /dev/sda
     2      50.00GiB  /dev/sdb

Use Case 3: Defragment a Single File

If a specific file within a btrfs filesystem is fragmented, it can negatively impact read and write performance. The btrfs filesystem defragment command allows you to defragment a single file.

sudo btrfs filesystem defragment -v /path/to/file

Motivation: Defragmenting a fragmented file can improve performance when accessing or modifying the file.


  • -v: Verbose mode, showing detailed progress.
  • /path/to/file: The path to the file that needs to be defragmented.

Example Output:

Starting defragmentation of file /path/to/file
Defragmentation complete. Saved 1 extent(s).

Use Case 4: Defragment a Directory Recursively

If you want to defragment an entire directory and its contents within a btrfs filesystem, you can use the btrfs filesystem defragment command with the recursive option.

sudo btrfs filesystem defragment -v -r /path/to/directory

Motivation: Defragmenting a directory recursively can improve performance when accessing or modifying multiple files within the directory.


  • -v: Verbose mode, showing detailed progress.
  • -r: Recursive mode, defragmenting all files within the directory.
  • /path/to/directory: The path to the directory that needs to be defragmented.

Example Output:

Starting defragmentation of directory /path/to/directory
Defragmentation complete. Saved 10 extent(s).

Use Case 5: Force Sync Unwritten Data Blocks to Disks

To ensure that all unwritten data blocks in a btrfs filesystem are synced to the disks immediately, you can use the btrfs filesystem sync command.

sudo btrfs filesystem sync /path/to/btrfs_mount

Motivation: Syncing unwritten data blocks to disks helps prevent data loss in case of unexpected shutdowns or power failures.


  • /path/to/btrfs_mount: The mount point of the btrfs filesystem.

Example Output: No output is generated for this command.

Use Case 6: Summarize Disk Usage for Files in a Directory

To summarize the disk usage of files within a directory recursively, you can use the btrfs filesystem du command with the --summarize option.

sudo btrfs filesystem du --summarize /path/to/directory

Motivation: Summarizing disk usage provides an overview of the storage requirements of files within a directory, allowing you to identify space-consuming files or directories.


  • --summarize: Displays the total disk usage for the specified directory.
  • /path/to/directory: The path to the directory for which disk usage needs to be summarized.

Example Output:

Total: 50GiB


The btrfs filesystem command provides various functionalities for managing btrfs filesystems effectively. By utilizing these different use cases, you can monitor disk usage, defragment files and directories, force data syncing, and summarize disk usage. Understanding these commands can help you optimize the performance and reliability of your btrfs filesystems.

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