How to use the command 'buku' (with examples)

How to use the command 'buku' (with examples)

The ‘buku’ command is a command-line browser-independent bookmark manager. It allows users to store, search, and edit bookmarks using the command line. This article will provide examples of different use cases for the ‘buku’ command.

Use case 1: Display all bookmarks matching “keyword” and with “privacy” tag


buku keyword --stag privacy

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to quickly find all bookmarks that contain a specific keyword and have the “privacy” tag. It helps in organizing and accessing relevant bookmarks based on specific criteria.


  • buku: The command itself.
  • keyword: The keyword to search for in bookmarks.
  • --stag privacy: Limits the search to bookmarks that have the “privacy” tag.

Example output:

1. Bookmark Title: Example Site
   Tags: search engine, privacy

2. Bookmark Title: Another Example
   Tags: privacy, programming

Use case 2: Add bookmark with tags “search engine” and “privacy”


buku --add search engine,privacy

Motivation: This use case allows you to quickly add a bookmark to your collection with relevant tags. It helps in categorizing bookmarks and makes them easily searchable.


  • buku: The command itself.
  • --add: Specifies that a bookmark should be added.
  • The URL of the bookmark.
  • search engine,privacy: Tags to be assigned to the bookmark.

Use case 3: Delete a bookmark


buku --delete bookmark_id

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to remove a bookmark from your collection. It helps in keeping your bookmark list organized and clutter-free.


  • buku: The command itself.
  • --delete: Specifies that a bookmark should be deleted.
  • bookmark_id: The ID of the bookmark to be deleted.

Use case 4: Open editor to edit a bookmark


buku --write bookmark_id

Motivation: This use case allows you to make changes to a bookmark by opening an editor. It provides a convenient way to update the details of a bookmark without manually editing a configuration file.


  • buku: The command itself.
  • --write: Opens the selected bookmark in an editor for modification.
  • bookmark_id: The ID of the bookmark to be edited.

Use case 5: Remove “search engine” tag from a bookmark


buku --update bookmark_id --tag - search engine

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to remove a specific tag from a bookmark. It helps in refining the categorization of bookmarks by removing unnecessary or incorrect tags.


  • buku: The command itself.
  • --update: Updates the details of a bookmark.
  • bookmark_id: The ID of the bookmark to be updated.
  • --tag - search engine: Removes the “search engine” tag from the bookmark.


The ‘buku’ command is a powerful tool for managing bookmarks from the command line. With features like searching, adding, editing, and deleting bookmarks, it provides a convenient and efficient way to organize and access your favorite websites. Using the provided examples, you can easily leverage the capabilities of ‘buku’ to enhance your bookmark management experience.

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