How to use the command byzanz-record (with examples)

How to use the command byzanz-record (with examples)

Byzanz-record is a command-line tool that allows you to record the screen on your Linux system. It can capture the screen activity and save it as a video file in various formats such as byzanz, flv, gif, ogg, ogv, or webm. With different arguments and options, you can control the duration, delay, and verbosity of the recording.

Use case 1: Record the screen and write the recording to a file


byzanz-record path/to/file.[byzanz|flv|gif|ogg|ogv|webm]

Motivation: This use case allows you to start a screen recording and save it to a specific file location. It is useful if you want to quickly record your screen and save it for future reference or sharing.


  • byzanz-record: The command to start screen recording.
  • path/to/file: The file path where you want to save the recording.
  • [byzanz|flv|gif|ogg|ogv|webm]: The file format in which you want to save the recording. Choose one from the provided options.

Example output: The screen recording will start immediately, capturing all the screen activity, and save it to the specified file path in the chosen format.

Use case 2: Show information while and after recording


byzanz-record --verbose path/to/file.[byzanz|flv|gif|ogg|ogv|webm]

Motivation: This use case enables verbose mode, which shows information about the recording process while it is happening and after it is completed. It can be useful for monitoring the progress and getting detailed insights about the screen recording.


  • --verbose: The option to enable verbose mode.
  • path/to/file: The file path where you want to save the recording.
  • [byzanz|flv|gif|ogg|ogv|webm]: The file format in which you want to save the recording. Choose one from the provided options.

Example output: The screen recording will start, and along with the recording progress, additional information about the recording, such as the frame rate, duration, and file size, will be displayed in the terminal.

Use case 3: Record the screen for a minute


byzanz-record --duration 60 path/to/file.[byzanz|flv|gif|ogg|ogv|webm]

Motivation: This use case allows you to specify the duration of the screen recording. By setting a time limit, you can control how long the recording should be, which can be useful if you only need to capture a specific segment of screen activity.


  • --duration 60: The option to set the duration of the screen recording in seconds. In this example, the duration is set to 60 seconds (1 minute).
  • path/to/file: The file path where you want to save the recording.
  • [byzanz|flv|gif|ogg|ogv|webm]: The file format in which you want to save the recording. Choose one from the provided options.

Example output: The screen recording will automatically stop after 1 minute (60 seconds) of recording, and the captured video will be saved to the specified file path in the chosen format.

Use case 4: Delay recording for 10 seconds


byzanz-record --delay 10 path/to/file.[byzanz|flv|gif|ogg|ogv|webm]

Motivation: This use case allows you to introduce a delay before the screen recording starts. It can be useful if you need a few seconds to set up the screen or make any preparations before the actual recording begins.


  • --delay 10: The option to introduce a delay of 10 seconds before the screen recording starts.
  • path/to/file: The file path where you want to save the recording.
  • [byzanz|flv|gif|ogg|ogv|webm]: The file format in which you want to save the recording. Choose one from the provided options.

Example output: After running the command, there will be a 10-second delay before the screen recording begins. This delay allows you to prepare and set up the screen as needed. The recording will then proceed and save to the specified file path in the chosen format.


Byzanz-record is a versatile command-line tool that allows you to record your Linux screen and save it as a video file. With various options, such as setting duration, introducing delay, and enabling verbose mode, you have control over the recording process. Whether you need a quick screen capture or a longer recording, Byzanz-record provides the flexibility to suit your specific requirements.

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