How to Use the Command 'Caffeinate' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'Caffeinate' (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

Caffeinate is a command in macOS that allows you to prevent your computer from sleeping. This can be useful in various situations, such as when you need to keep your computer awake to finish a task or prevent the disk from sleeping during a long-running process. In this article, we will explore the different use cases of the caffeinate command and provide examples for each.

Use case 1: Prevent from sleeping for 1 hour


caffeinate -u -t 3600

Motivation: You may want to prevent your computer from sleeping for a specific amount of time, such as when you need to complete a task without any interruptions. By using the -u option, caffeinate prevents the display from sleeping, and the -t option specifies the number of seconds to keep the system awake.


  • caffeinate: The caffeinate command itself.
  • -u: Prevents the display from sleeping.
  • -t 3600: Specifies the duration in seconds. In this example, 3600 seconds is equal to 1 hour.

Example output: The output will be blank, as caffeinate will keep the system awake without any additional information.

Use case 2: Prevent from sleeping until a command completes


caffeinate -s "command"

Motivation: Sometimes, you may have a long-running command or script that you want to run without any interruptions. Using caffeinate with the -s option allows you to prevent your computer from sleeping until the specified command completes.


  • caffeinate: The caffeinate command itself.
  • -s: Prevents the system from sleeping until the specified command completes.
  • "command": Replace this with the actual command you want to run without interruptions.

Example output: The output will depend on the command you specify. The system will not go to sleep until the command completes.

Use case 3: Prevent from sleeping until a process with the specified PID completes


caffeinate -w pid

Motivation: In some cases, you may want to keep your computer awake until a specific process with a given PID completes. The -w option in caffeinate allows you to achieve this by monitoring the specified process ID.


  • caffeinate: The caffeinate command itself.
  • -w pid: Prevents the system from sleeping until the process with the specified PID completes. Replace pid with the actual process ID.

Example output: The output will be blank, as caffeinate will keep the system awake until the specified process with the provided PID completes.

Use case 4: Prevent from sleeping (use Ctrl + C to exit)


caffeinate -i

Motivation: During a long-running task or script, there may come a point where you want to manually exit caffeinate and allow the computer to sleep again. Using the -i option allows you to interrupt caffeinate using Ctrl + C when you are ready to let the system sleep.


  • caffeinate: The caffeinate command itself.
  • -i: Prevents the system from sleeping until manually interrupted using Ctrl + C.

Example output: The output will be blank until you interrupt caffeinate with Ctrl + C, allowing the system to sleep.

Use case 5: Prevent disk from sleeping (use Ctrl + C to exit)


caffeinate -m

Motivation: If you are working on a task that involves continuous disk access, you may want to prevent the disk from automatically sleeping. By using caffeinate with the -m option, you can keep the disk awake until you manually interrupt caffeinate.


  • caffeinate: The caffeinate command itself.
  • -m: Prevents the disk from sleeping.

Example output: The output will be blank until you interrupt caffeinate with Ctrl + C, allowing the disk to sleep.


The caffeinate command is a handy tool in macOS for preventing your computer from sleeping. Whether you need to keep the system awake for a specific time duration, until a command completes or a process with a given PID finishes, or prevent the disk from sleeping, caffeinate offers various options to suit your needs. Use the examples provided in this article to utilize caffeinate effectively and ensure uninterrupted tasks on your macOS system.

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