How to use the command 'cake' (with examples)

How to use the command 'cake' (with examples)

The ‘cake’ command is the command-line processor for the CakePHP framework. It provides a way to perform various tasks related to a CakePHP application.

Use case 1: Display basic information about the current app and available commands



Motivation: This command is useful when you want to quickly check the basic information about your CakePHP application, such as the version and available commands.

Explanation: The ‘cake’ command, when executed without any arguments, displays basic information about the current CakePHP application, including the installed version and a list of available commands.

Example Output:

Welcome to CakePHP v4.2.6 Console
App : src
Path: /path/to/your/app/src/
Php : 7.4.23
Current Paths:

-app: src
-root: /path/to/your/app
-core: /path/to/your/cakephp

Available Shells:

cake routes

Use case 2: Display a list of available routes


cake routes

Motivation: This command is useful when you want to see a list of all the available routes in your CakePHP application.

Explanation: The ‘cake routes’ command displays a list of all the configured routes in your CakePHP application. Routes define the URLs that can be accessed in your application and map them to specific controller actions.

Example Output:

Registered routes:
GET /posts/:id   			Posts::view
POST /posts   				Posts::create
GET /posts/:id/edit   		Posts::edit
PUT /posts/:id   			Posts::update
DELETE /posts/:id   		Posts::delete

Use case 3: Clear configuration caches


cake cache clear_all

Motivation: This command is useful when you want to clear all configuration caches in your CakePHP application. Configuration caches store information about various settings in your application and may need to be cleared if you make any changes to the configuration files.

Explanation: The ‘cake cache clear_all’ command clears all configuration caches in your CakePHP application, including the cache files stored in the ’tmp/cache’ directory.

Example Output:

Cleared configuration caches.

Use case 4: Build the metadata cache


cake schema_cache build --connection connection

Motivation: This command is useful when you want to build the metadata cache for a specific database connection in your CakePHP application. The metadata cache stores information about database tables, columns, and their relationships, and can improve the performance of database operations.

Explanation: The ‘cake schema_cache build’ command builds the metadata cache for the specified database connection. The ‘–connection’ argument is used to specify the name of the connection as configured in the CakePHP application.

Example Output:

Built metadata cache for connection 'default'.

Use case 5: Clear the metadata cache


cake schema_cache clear

Motivation: This command is useful when you want to clear the metadata cache for all database connections in your CakePHP application. Clearing the metadata cache can be necessary when you make changes to the database schema.

Explanation: The ‘cake schema_cache clear’ command clears the metadata cache for all database connections in your CakePHP application. This command deletes the metadata cache files stored in the ’tmp/cache/models’ directory.

Example Output:

Cleared metadata cache for all connections.

Use case 6: Clear a single cache table


cake schema_cache clear table_name

Motivation: This command is useful when you want to clear the metadata cache for a specific database table in your CakePHP application. Clearing the cache for a specific table can be necessary when you make changes to the schema of that table.

Explanation: The ‘cake schema_cache clear’ command with the ’table_name’ argument clears the metadata cache for the specified database table. This command deletes the cache file for the table stored in the ’tmp/cache/models’ directory.

Example Output:

Cleared metadata cache for table 'users'.

Use case 7: Start a development web server


cake server

Motivation: This command is useful when you want to quickly start a development web server for your CakePHP application. The development server provides a convenient way to test your application locally without setting up a separate web server.

Explanation: The ‘cake server’ command starts a development web server on the default port 8765. You can access your CakePHP application by opening a web browser and navigating to ‘http://localhost:8765’.

Example Output:

Development server started on http://localhost:8765/
Press Ctrl-C to quit.

Use case 8: Start a REPL (interactive shell)


cake console

Motivation: This command is useful when you want to start a Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) for your CakePHP application. The REPL provides an interactive shell where you can execute CakePHP code and interact with your application.

Explanation: The ‘cake console’ command starts a REPL for your CakePHP application. It opens an interactive shell where you can enter CakePHP code and execute it. This can be helpful for testing code snippets or checking the behavior of different CakePHP functions.

Example Output:

Welcome to CakePHP v4.2.6 Console
App : src
Path: /path/to/your/app/src/
Php : 7.4.23


The ‘cake’ command is a powerful tool for managing and interacting with CakePHP applications. It provides a wide range of functionality, from displaying basic information to starting development servers and interactively exploring your application. Understanding and using the ‘cake’ command can greatly enhance your productivity when working with CakePHP.

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