How to use the command "calcurse" (with examples)

How to use the command "calcurse" (with examples)

Calcurse is a text-based calendar and scheduling application for the command-line. It allows users to manage their appointments, events, and todos efficiently. This article will illustrate several use cases of the calcurse command and provide examples for each.

Use case 1: Start calcurse on interactive mode



Motivation: Starting calcurse on interactive mode allows users to use the application to its full potential. It provides an interactive interface for users to manage their calendar and scheduling tasks efficiently.


  • calcurse: The command to start the calcurse application.

Example output:

Welcome to Calcurse!

[ Calendar ]
0 appointments on Thu Dec 16

Use case 2: Print the appointments and events for the current day and exit


calcurse --appointment

Motivation: Printing the appointments and events for the current day is useful for quickly checking one’s schedule without launching the full interactive mode of calcurse.


  • calcurse --appointment: The –appointment option is used to print the appointments and events for the current day only.

Example output:

$ calcurse --appointment

Appointments for Thu Dec 16:

11:00-12:00    Meeting with Jane
14:30-15:30    Call with Client

Use case 3: Remove all local calcurse items and import remote objects


calcurse-caldav --init=keep-remote

Motivation: Removing all local calcurse items and importing remote objects can be useful when users want to update their calcurse data with the most recent information available on their CalDAV server.


  • calcurse-caldav: The calcurse-caldav command allows users to synchronize their calcurse data with a CalDAV server.
  • --init: The –init option is used to specify the synchronization mode.
  • keep-remote: The keep-remote argument specifies that all local calcurse items should be removed, and remote objects should be imported.

Example output:

Synchronization completed successfully.
Local calcurse items removed.
Remote objects imported.

Use case 4: Remove all remote objects and push local calcurse items


calcurse-caldav --init=keep-local

Motivation: Removing all remote objects and pushing local calcurse items can be useful when users want to update their CalDAV server with the most recent local changes made in calcurse.


  • calcurse-caldav: The calcurse-caldav command allows users to synchronize their calcurse data with a CalDAV server.
  • --init: The –init option is used to specify the synchronization mode.
  • keep-local: The keep-local argument specifies that all remote objects should be removed, and local calcurse items should be pushed.

Example output:

Synchronization completed successfully.
Remote objects removed.
Local calcurse items pushed.

Use case 5: Copy local objects to the CalDAV server and vice versa


calcurse-caldav --init=two-way

Motivation: Copying local objects to the CalDAV server and vice versa allows for bidirectional synchronization between calcurse and the CalDAV server. This ensures that both calcurse and the CalDAV server have the most updated information.


  • calcurse-caldav: The calcurse-caldav command allows users to synchronize their calcurse data with a CalDAV server.
  • --init: The –init option is used to specify the synchronization mode.
  • two-way: The two-way argument specifies bidirectional synchronization, where local objects are copied to the CalDAV server and vice versa.

Example output:

Synchronization completed successfully.
Local calcurse items and remote objects are up to date.


Calcurse is a versatile command-line calendar and scheduling application that offers several useful features. By using the calcurse command and its various options, users can manage their calendar, import/export data from a remote server, and synchronize data bidirectionally. These examples demonstrate different use cases of the calcurse command, showcasing how it can be utilized for efficient time management and organization.

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