How to use the command 'calendar' (with examples)

How to use the command 'calendar' (with examples)

The ‘calendar’ command is used to display upcoming events from a calendar file. It can show events for a specific date range, as well as events from a custom calendar file.

Use case 1: Show events for today and tomorrow



Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to quickly view the events scheduled for today and tomorrow. It can help you plan your day and stay organized.

Explanation: The command ‘calendar’ without any arguments displays the events for today and tomorrow (or the weekend, if it’s Friday). It uses the default calendar file to retrieve the events.

Example output:

Events for today:
- Meeting with clients at 10:00 AM
- Lunch with colleagues at 12:30 PM
- Team meeting at 2:00 PM

Events for tomorrow:
- Deadline for project submission at 5:00 PM
- Dinner with friends at 8:00 PM

Use case 2: Look ahead, showing events for the next 30 days


calendar -A 30

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to get an overview of your upcoming events for a longer period. It allows you to plan your schedule in advance and avoid conflicts.

Explanation: The ‘-A’ option followed by a number specifies the number of days to look ahead. In this example, the command ‘calendar -A 30’ displays the events for the next 30 days, starting from the current date.

Example output:

Events for the next 30 days:
- Business trip to New York on January 20th
- Conference presentation on January 25th
- Vacation from February 3rd to February 10th
- Project deadline on February 15th

Use case 3: Look back, showing events for the previous 7 days


calendar -B 7

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to review the events that have already occurred in the past week. It allows you to reflect on your schedule and learn from past experiences.

Explanation: The ‘-B’ option followed by a number specifies the number of days to look back. In this example, the command ‘calendar -B 7’ displays the events for the previous 7 days, starting from the current date.

Example output:

Events for the previous 7 days:
- Attended a workshop on January 10th
- Dinner with family on January 12th
- Deadline for report submission on January 15th

Use case 4: Show events from a custom calendar file


calendar -f path/to/file

Motivation: This use case allows you to specify a custom calendar file from which to retrieve events. It is useful when you have multiple calendars or want to import events from an external source.

Explanation: The ‘-f’ option followed by a file path specifies the custom calendar file to use. In this example, the command ‘calendar -f path/to/file’ displays the events from the specified file.

Example output:

Events from custom calendar file:
- Task deadline on February 1st
- Meeting with project team on February 5th
- Workshop on February 10th


The ‘calendar’ command is a versatile tool for managing and viewing events from a calendar file. It allows you to easily see upcoming events, plan for the future, and review past activities. By using options like ‘-A’, ‘-B’, and ‘-f’, you can customize the output based on your specific needs.

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