How to use the command `calligrastage` (with examples)

How to use the command `calligrastage` (with examples)

Calligrastage is a presentation application in Calligra Suite, a free and open-source office suite. It allows users to create and deliver professional presentations. This command, calligrastage, launches the application and provides options for opening an existing presentation, as well as displaying help or version information.

Use case 1: Launch the presentation application



Motivation: Launching the Calligrastage presentation application by simply executing calligrastage is useful when you want to quickly start creating or viewing presentations. This allows for efficient use of time without needing to navigate through menus to find and open the application.

Explanation: Executing calligrastage without any arguments directly launches the Calligrastage application. It opens a blank presentation where you can start creating your slides.

Example Output: The Calligrastage application launches, displaying a new presentation template ready for editing.

Use case 2: Open a specific presentation


calligrastage path/to/presentation

Motivation: When you have an existing presentation that you want to edit or present, opening it directly via the command line provides a convenient way to access the file without having to manually navigate to it within the application.

Explanation: To open a specific presentation, you provide the path to the presentation file as an argument after the calligrastage command. Replace path/to/presentation with the actual path to the presentation file on your system.

Example Output: The Calligrastage application launches with the specified presentation file opened, allowing you to edit or present it.

Use case 3: Display help or version


calligrastage --help


calligrastage --version

Motivation: If you are new to the calligrastage command or need to check the version of the application installed on your system, these options allow you to quickly obtain the required information.

Explanation: Executing calligrastage --help displays the help information for the calligrastage command, providing details about its usage and available options.

Executing calligrastage --version displays the version of the Calligrastage application installed on your system.

Example Output: Running calligrastage --help displays a comprehensive help message explaining the command and its available options.

Running calligrastage --version displays the version number of the Calligrastage application installed on your system.

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