How to Use the Command 'calligrawords' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'calligrawords' (with examples)

Calligra Words is a powerful word processor application that is part of the Calligra Suite, an integrated KDE office suite. Designed for flexibility and ease of use, Calligra Words offers a range of tools for creating documents, from letters and reports to more complex layouts. This tool is accessible through the command line, allowing users to interact with it directly via Terminal or command prompt, making it a convenient choice for those who prefer or require command-line interactions.

Use case 1: Launch the word processor application




Launching Calligra Words directly from the command line provides an efficient method for users who prefer using Terminal for application management. This is especially useful for users who spend most of their time in the command line environment and require a quick method to access their word processor without navigating through GUI menus. It streamlines the workflow and enhances productivity by reducing the time taken to search and click through multiple layers of user interfaces.


  • calligrawords: This is the main command that initiates the Calligra Words application. By entering this command into the terminal, the system is instructed to open the application, allowing the user to start working on documents immediately.

Example Output:

Upon executing the command, the Calligra Words application opens with a blank document ready for editing. There isn’t any text-based output in the terminal since the operation is primarily graphical.

Use case 2: Open a specific document


calligrawords path/to/document


Opening a specific document using the command line is a time-saver for users who know the path to their document and prefer quick access to their files. This use case is beneficial in situations where a user frequently accesses certain documents and wants to bypass navigating through folders manually each time. It facilitates fast access and swift editing of files directly from the command line.


  • calligrawords: The command to launch the Calligra Words application.
  • path/to/document: This argument specifies the path to the document you wish to open. It could be a relative path from the current directory or an absolute path from the root. Providing the correct path ensures that Calligra Words will directly open the specified document for viewing or editing.

Example Output:

After inputting the command, Calligra Words launches and loads the document located at the specified path, displaying its contents ready for editing. Again, there is little to no feedback in the terminal itself, as the operation automatically opens the document.

Use case 3: Display help or version


calligrawords --help


calligrawords --version


Accessing help or version information is crucial for understanding the available features and ensuring that the version being used is up-to-date. This is particularly pertinent for new users needing guidance on command usage or existing users verifying their software version for troubleshooting or compatibility purposes. Such information can lead to more effective use of the application and better alignment with system requirements.


  • calligrawords --help: This presents a list of options and usage instructions available within Calligra Words. It’s useful for users seeking guidance on possible commands and their correct syntax.
  • calligrawords --version: This command outputs the version of the Calligra Words application installed on the user’s system. Knowledge of the version helps identify whether updates or specific features are available.

Example Output:

For --help, the terminal displays a list of command-line options available for Calligra Words, including syntax examples and a brief explanation of each feature.

For --version, the terminal outputs the current version number of Calligra Words, such as “Calligra Words version: 3.2.0”.


The ‘calligrawords’ command offers various straightforward yet powerful options for users to manage word processing tasks directly through the command line. Users can quickly launch the application, open specific documents, or retrieve helpful information regarding the software. This makes Calligra Words not only an accessible tool for graphical users but also a sophisticated option for those who operate from terminal interfaces. This command utility, therefore, bridges the gap between user-friendly graphics and the efficiency of command-line operations.

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