How to use the command cargo clippy (with examples)

How to use the command cargo clippy (with examples)

Cargo clippy is a command used in Rust programming to run checks and lints on the code, catching common mistakes and suggesting improvements. It is a useful tool for improving the quality and correctness of Rust code.

Use case 1: Run checks over the code in the current directory


cargo clippy

Motivation: Running checks over the code in the current directory ensures that any potential mistakes or common errors are caught. It helps in improving the code quality and identifying potential bugs or inefficient code.

Explanation: This command simply executes the “cargo clippy” command in the current directory. It runs lints and checks on the code and provides feedback on any common mistakes or improvements that can be made.

Example output:

$ cargo clippy
  Checking username v0.1.0
  Checking email v0.1.0
  Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.24s

Use case 2: Require that Cargo.lock is up to date


cargo clippy --locked

Motivation: Requiring that Cargo.lock is up to date ensures that the dependencies of the project are locked to specific versions. This helps in ensuring reproducibility and stability of the build.

Explanation: The “–locked” flag ensures that the Cargo.lock file is up to date. It checks if there are any outdated dependencies and provides feedback on potential issues or conflicts in the dependency versions.

Example output:

$ cargo clippy --locked
   Compiling username v0.1.0
   Compiling email v0.1.0
   Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.24s

Use case 3: Run checks on all packages in the workspace


cargo clippy --workspace

Motivation: Running checks on all packages in the workspace helps in identifying issues or common mistakes that might exist across different packages. It ensures consistent code quality and reduces duplication of effort.

Explanation: The “–workspace” flag runs checks on all packages in the current workspace. It allows for detecting common mistakes or issues that might exist across multiple packages, promoting consistent coding practices.

Example output:

$ cargo clippy --workspace
   Checking username v0.1.0
   Checking email v0.1.0
   Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.24s

Use case 4: Run checks for a package


cargo clippy --package package

Motivation: Running checks for a specific package helps in focusing the checks and lints on a particular package. This is useful when working on a specific module or package and wanting to ensure its correctness and quality.

Explanation: The “–package” flag specifies the package for which the checks need to run. It allows for running checks and lints specifically on that package, ensuring correctness and quality within the specified package.

Example output:

$ cargo clippy --package username
   Checking username v0.1.0
   Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.24s

Use case 5: Treat warnings as errors


cargo clippy -- --deny warnings

Motivation: Treating warnings as errors ensures that any potential issues or problems in the code are not overlooked. It helps in enforcing code quality and correctness by treating warnings with more seriousness.

Explanation: The “–deny warnings” option treats warnings as errors. It means that any warning encountered during the checks will be treated as an error, preventing the build from proceeding. This ensures that warnings are not ignored and are addressed appropriately.

Example output:

$ cargo clippy -- --deny warnings
   Checking username v0.1.0
   Checking email v0.1.0

error: warning treated as error: Unused variable: `x`.

error: build failed

Use case 6: Run checks and ignore warnings


cargo clippy -- --allow warnings

Motivation: Ignoring warnings while still running checks can be useful in scenarios where warnings need to be temporarily ignored. It helps in not halting the build process or the checks while still being aware of the warnings.

Explanation: The “–allow warnings” option allows the checks to run and provides feedback on potential issues or suggestions, but doesn’t treat warnings as errors. It allows for temporarily ignoring specific warnings while still running the checks.

Example output:

$ cargo clippy -- --allow warnings
   Checking username v0.1.0
   Checking email v0.1.0

warning: Unused variable: `x`.

Use case 7: Apply Clippy suggestions automatically


cargo clippy --fix

Motivation: Applying Clippy suggestions automatically helps in saving time and effort by automatically fixing certain issues or applying suggested improvements. It improves code quality and consistency across the project.

Explanation: The “–fix” option applies the Clippy suggestions automatically, fixing issues or applying suggested improvements. It allows for automatically correcting common mistakes or implementing improvements suggested by Clippy.

Example output:

$ cargo clippy --fix
   Checking username v0.1.0
   Checking email v0.1.0
   Fixing potential issue: Unused variable: `x`.
   Fixed potential issue: Unused variable: `x`.
   Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.24s


The cargo clippy command is a powerful tool for improving the quality and correctness of Rust code. By running checks and lints, it catches common mistakes and provides suggestions for improvement. The various use cases explored in this article show how cargo clippy can be used to enhance code quality, ensure up-to-date dependencies, and handle warnings and suggestions.

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