How to use the command `cargo logout` (with examples)

How to use the command `cargo logout` (with examples)

cargo logout is a command in the Cargo package manager for the Rust programming language. It is used to remove an API token from the local credential storage, which is located in $CARGO_HOME/credentials.toml. This token is used to authenticate with a package registry, and it can be added back using the cargo login command.

Use case 1: Remove an API token from the local credential storage


cargo logout


Removing an API token from the local credential storage can be useful if you want to revoke access to a package registry for a specific user or if you no longer want to use the API token for authentication.


The cargo logout command does not require any arguments. It simply removes the API token from the local credential storage. The local credential storage is located in the $CARGO_HOME/credentials.toml file, which can be accessed by Cargo to authenticate with a package registry.

Example output:

Successfully logged out.

Use case 2: Specify the name of the registry to use


cargo logout --registry name


Specifying the name of the registry can be useful if you have multiple registries configured in your Cargo configuration and you want to remove the API token from a specific registry.


The --registry flag is used to specify the name of the registry from which the API token should be removed. Registry names can be defined in the Cargo configuration file. By default, Cargo uses the registry. Using the --registry flag allows you to remove the API token from a different registry.

Example output:

Successfully logged out from registry 'my-registry'.


The cargo logout command provides a convenient way to remove an API token from the local credential storage. Whether you want to revoke access for a specific user or remove the token for a specific registry, cargo logout makes it easy to manage your authentication credentials in Cargo.

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