How to use the command 'cargo new' (with examples)

How to use the command 'cargo new' (with examples)

The ‘cargo new’ command is a command provided by the Rust programming language’s package manager, Cargo. It is used to create a new Cargo package, which is a project or library written in Rust. The ‘cargo new’ command is similar to ‘cargo init’, but it requires the user to specify a directory where the new project should be created.

Use case 1: Create a new Rust project with a binary target


cargo new path/to/directory

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to start a new Rust project from scratch that includes a binary target. A binary target is an executable program that can be run from the command line.

Explanation: The ‘cargo new’ command is followed by the path to the directory where the new project should be created. This path can be an absolute path or a relative path from the current working directory. The directory will be created if it doesn’t exist.

Example output:

$ cargo new my_project
     Created binary (application) `my_project` package
$ cd my_project
$ ls
Cargo.toml  src

In this example, a new Rust project named ‘my_project’ is created in the current directory. The project includes a ‘Cargo.toml’ file, which is used to configure the project, and a ‘src’ directory, which will contain the source code of the project.


The ‘cargo new’ command is a useful tool when starting a new Rust project. It allows you to easily create a new Cargo package with a binary or library target. By specifying a directory, you can also control where the project is created.

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