How to use the command 'cargo report' (with examples)

How to use the command 'cargo report' (with examples)

The cargo report command is used to display various kinds of reports in the Rust package manager - Cargo. It provides information about future incompatibilities, deprecated dependencies, or unused dependencies in a Rust project.

Use case 1: Display a report


cargo report future-incompatibilities

Motivation: This use case is helpful when developers want to check for future incompatibilities in their Rust project. It helps them identify any incompatible APIs that are being used, allowing them to update and fix their code accordingly.


  • future-incompatibilities: This argument specifies the type of report to be displayed. In this case, it will generate a report for future incompatibilities.

Example Output:

== future-incompatibilities ==
No future incompatibilities detected.

Use case 2: Display a report with the specified Cargo-generated id


cargo report future-incompatibilities --id id

Motivation: This use case is useful when developers want to retrieve a specific report that was generated by Cargo. By providing the Cargo-generated id, they can easily access a particular report for further analysis or comparison.


  • future-incompatibilities: This argument specifies the type of report to be displayed. In this case, it will generate a report for future incompatibilities.
  • --id id: This option allows users to specify the Cargo-generated id of a report they want to display.

Example Output:

== future-incompatibilities ==
Report ID: 12345


No future incompatibilities detected.

Use case 3: Display a report for the specified package


cargo report future-incompatibilities --package package

Motivation: This use case is beneficial when developers want to check for future incompatibilities in a specific package within their Rust project. It allows them to focus on a particular package and analyze any potential issues or conflicts.


  • future-incompatibilities: This argument specifies the type of report to be displayed. In this case, it will generate a report for future incompatibilities.
  • --package package: This option allows users to specify the name of a specific package for which they want to generate a report.

Example Output:

== future-incompatibilities ==
Package: mypackage


No future incompatibilities detected.


The cargo report command is a powerful tool in Cargo that provides developers with valuable insights about their Rust projects. By utilizing different arguments and options, developers can generate reports for various types of issues, such as future incompatibilities, deprecated dependencies, or unused dependencies. These reports help developers take proactive measures to maintain the stability and efficiency of their Rust projects.

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