Using catimg Command (with examples)

Using catimg Command (with examples)

1: Print a JPEG, PNG, or GIF to the terminal

The catimg command allows you to print images in the terminal. You can use it to display JPEG, PNG, or GIF files. To print an image to the terminal, use the following command:

catimg path/to/file

  • path/to/file: Replace this with the path to the image file you want to print.

Motivation: Sometimes, you may want to quickly preview an image without opening an image viewer or editor. Using the catimg command allows you to view images directly in the terminal, which can be useful for quick previews or when working in a command-line environment.

Example Output:

Example Output 1

2: Double the resolution of an image

You can use the -r flag with the catimg command to double the resolution of an image. This can be useful if you want to display a higher resolution version of an image in the terminal. Here’s the command to double the resolution of an image:

catimg -r 2 path/to/file

  • -r: This flag is followed by a number that indicates the resolution multiplier. In this case, 2 doubles the resolution.
  • path/to/file: Replace this with the path to the image file you want to print.

Motivation: Increasing the resolution of an image can help in displaying more details or improving the clarity of the image when viewing it in the terminal.

Example Output:

Example Output 2

3: Disable 24-bit color for better terminal support

By default, catimg uses 24-bit color when displaying images in the terminal. However, if your terminal does not support 24-bit color, the image may not display correctly. You can disable 24-bit color using the -t flag. Here’s the command to disable 24-bit color:

catimg -t path/to/file

  • -t: This flag disables 24-bit color support.
  • path/to/file: Replace this with the path to the image file you want to print.

Motivation: Disabling 24-bit color can be useful if you are working in a terminal that does not support it. By doing so, you ensure that the image is displayed properly without any color-related issues.

Example Output:

Example Output 3

4: Specify a custom width or height

You can also specify a custom width or height for displaying an image using the catimg command. This allows you to control the size of the image when it is printed in the terminal. Here’s how you can specify a custom width or height:

  • To specify a custom width: catimg -w 40 path/to/file

  • To specify a custom height: catimg -H 40 path/to/file

  • -w: This flag is followed by the desired width of the image.

  • -H: This flag is followed by the desired height of the image.

  • path/to/file: Replace this with the path to the image file you want to print.

Motivation: Specifying a custom width or height can help you control the size of the image when displayed in the terminal. This can be useful when you want to fit the image within a specific space or when you want to display the image at a specific size for better visibility.

Example Output (with custom width):

Example Output 4

Example Output (with custom height):

Example Output 5

By using the catimg command with these different use cases, you can easily print and manipulate images in the terminal, allowing for quick previews or integration within command-line workflows.

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