How to use the command 'cavif' (with examples)

How to use the command 'cavif' (with examples)

The ‘cavif’ command is a PNG/JPEG to AVIF converter. It allows users to convert images from JPEG or PNG format to AVIF format. AVIF is a modern image format that provides better compression and image quality compared to JPEG and PNG formats.

Use case 1: Convert a JPEG file to AVIF


cavif path/to/file.jpg

Motivation: One common use case for the ‘cavif’ command is to convert a JPEG file to AVIF format. AVIF offers superior compression and image quality compared to JPEG, making it an ideal format for users who want to optimize their image files for the web. By using the ‘cavif’ command, users can easily convert their existing JPEG files to AVIF format without losing any image quality.

Explanation: In this use case, the command ‘cavif’ is used to convert a JPEG file to AVIF format. The file path of the JPEG file is provided as an argument to the command. The command will convert the specified JPEG file to AVIF format and save it in the same location with the same file name but with the ‘.avif’ extension.

Example output: After running the command, the JPEG file ‘path/to/file.jpg’ will be converted to AVIF format and saved as ‘path/to/file.avif’.

Use case 2: Adjust the image quality and convert a PNG file to AVIF


cavif --quality 60 path/to/file.png

Motivation: Sometimes, users may want to adjust the image quality while converting a PNG file to AVIF format. The ‘cavif’ command allows users to specify the image quality, ranging from 1 to 100, to achieve the desired level of compression and image quality. By using the ‘–quality’ argument, users can control the trade-off between file size and image quality.

Explanation: In this use case, the command ‘cavif’ is used to convert a PNG file to AVIF format while specifying the image quality. The file path of the PNG file is provided as an argument to the command. The ‘–quality’ argument is used to specify the desired image quality, where 1 represents the lowest quality and 100 represents the highest quality. In this example, the image quality is set to 60.

Example output: After running the command, the PNG file ‘path/to/file.png’ will be converted to AVIF format with the specified image quality of 60 and saved as ‘path/to/file.avif’.

Use case 3: Set the output location explicitly


cavif path/to/file.jpg --output path/to/file.avif

Motivation: By default, the ‘cavif’ command saves the converted AVIF file in the same location as the input file. However, there are cases where users may want to specify a different output location for the converted file. By using the ‘–output’ argument, users can explicitly set the output location for the converted AVIF file.

Explanation: In this use case, the command ‘cavif’ is used to convert a JPEG file to AVIF format while explicitly setting the output location. The file path of the JPEG file is provided as the first argument to the command, and the ‘–output’ argument is used to specify the desired output location for the converted AVIF file.

Example output: After running the command, the JPEG file ‘path/to/file.jpg’ will be converted to AVIF format and saved at the explicitly specified location ‘path/to/file.avif’.

Use case 4: Overwrite the destination file if it already exists


cavif --overwrite path/to/file.jpg

Motivation: There may be situations where users want to convert an existing file to AVIF format and overwrite the destination file if it already exists. The ‘–overwrite’ argument allows users to specify this behavior, ensuring that the converted AVIF file replaces the existing file if it has the same name and location.

Explanation: In this use case, the command ‘cavif’ is used to convert a JPEG file to AVIF format while enabling the overwrite behavior. The ‘–overwrite’ argument is used to indicate that if the destination file already exists, it should be overwritten by the converted AVIF file.

Example output: After running the command, the JPEG file ‘path/to/file.jpg’ will be converted to AVIF format and the existing file, if present, will be overwritten by the converted AVIF file.


The ‘cavif’ command provides an easy way to convert JPEG and PNG files to AVIF format. By utilizing its various features such as adjusting image quality, specifying an output location, and enabling overwrite behavior, users have full control over the conversion process. With AVIF’s superior compression and image quality, the ‘cavif’ command is an essential tool for optimizing image files for the web.

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