How to use the command ccomps (with examples)

How to use the command ccomps (with examples)

The command ccomps is a Graphviz command used to decompose graphs into their connected components. It is a versatile tool that provides various options for analyzing and manipulating graphs. This article will explore each of the different use cases of the ccomps command.

Use case 1: Decompose one or more graphs into their connected components


ccomps path/to/input1.gv path/to/input2.gv ... > path/to/output.gv

Motivation: By using this command, you can decompose one or more graphs into their connected components. This can be useful for analyzing the structure and connectivity of complex graphs and gaining insights into the relationships between nodes.


  • ccomps: The command itself.
  • path/to/input1.gv, path/to/input2.gv, …: Paths to one or more input graph files in Graphviz format.
  • >: Redirects the output of the command to a file.
  • path/to/output.gv: Path to the output file where the decomposed graph will be stored.

Example output: The command will decompose the input graph(s) into their connected components and save the result to the specified output file.

Use case 2: Print the number of nodes, edges, and connected components in one or more graphs


ccomps -v -s path/to/input1.gv path/to/input2.gv ...

Motivation: This use case is handy when you need to quickly obtain information about the size and structure of one or more graphs. It provides a summary of the number of nodes, edges, and connected components in the graph(s).


  • -v: Enables verbose output mode, which includes additional information about the graph.
  • -s: Prints the statistics summary of the graph.

Example output: The command will provide a summary of the number of nodes, edges, and connected components in the specified input graph(s).

Use case 3: Write each connected component to numbered filenames based on output.gv


ccomps -x -o path/to/output.gv path/to/input1.gv path/to/input2.gv ...

Motivation: Sometimes, it is beneficial to have each connected component of a graph saved as a separate file. This use case allows you to specify the output file path along with the desired naming scheme for the decomposed connected components.


  • -x: Enables creating separate filenames for each connected component.
  • -o path/to/output.gv: Specifies the path for the output file(s), using path/to/output.gv as the base name.

Example output: The command will generate individual files for each connected component of the graph(s), with filenames numbered based on the specified output file path.

Use case 4: Display help for ccomps


ccomps -?

Motivation: When using a new command or needing a refresher on the available options and syntax, it is helpful to display the command’s help information. This use case provides the necessary help details for the ccomps command.


  • -?: Displays usage and help information for the ccomps command.

Example output: The command will display the usage and help information for the ccomps command, including a brief description, available options, and examples of usage.


The command ccomps is a valuable tool for decomposing graphs into their connected components, allowing for in-depth analysis and manipulation. The use cases covered in this article provide a comprehensive overview of the command’s capabilities and demonstrate its utility in various scenarios. By leveraging the power of ccomps, you can gain insights into the structure and connectivity of complex graphs.

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