CD Command (with examples)

CD Command (with examples)

The cd command is a fundamental command in Unix-based operating systems that allows users to change their current working directory. This command is utilized to navigate through the file system and access different directories. In this article, we will explore various use cases of the cd command with code examples to illustrate its functionality.

Go to the specified directory

To change the working directory to a specific directory, you can use the cd command followed by the path to the target directory:

cd path/to/directory

Motivation: This command is useful when you want to quickly navigate to a particular directory within the file system.

Explanation: path/to/directory represents the path to the directory you wish to enter. This can be an absolute path (starting from the root directory) or a relative path (starting from the current directory).

Example Output: If the current directory is /home/user and you execute cd documents, you will enter the documents directory located in the /home/user directory.

Go up to the parent of the current directory

To move up to the parent directory of the current working directory, you can use the cd command followed by ..:

cd ..

Motivation: This command allows you to quickly navigate up the directory hierarchy, providing access to higher-level directories.

Explanation: The .. represents the parent directory of the current working directory. By executing this command, you will move up one level in the directory structure.

Example Output: If the current directory is /home/user/documents, executing cd .. will bring you back to the /home/user directory.

Go to the home directory of the current user

To switch to the home directory of the current user, you can simply enter the cd command without any arguments:


Motivation: This command is useful when you want to return to your home directory quickly.

Explanation: When you execute cd without any arguments, it automatically takes you to the home directory associated with the current user.

Example Output: If the current directory is /home/user/documents, executing cd will bring you back to the home directory of the user.

Go to the home directory of the specified user

To navigate to the home directory of a specific user, you can use the cd command followed by ~ and the username:

cd ~username

Motivation: This command allows you to access the home directory of another user on the system.

Explanation: By using ~ followed by the username, you can switch to the home directory of the specified user. This command requires appropriate permissions to access the user’s home directory.

Example Output: If the current directory is /home/user and you execute cd ~john, you will enter the home directory of the user “john”.

Go to the previously chosen directory

To return to the previously chosen directory, you can use the cd command with a hyphen (-):

cd -

Motivation: This command is handy when you want to switch back and forth between two directories.

Explanation: The hyphen (-) represents the previously chosen directory. By executing cd -, you will return to the directory you were in before.

Example Output: If the current directory is /home/user/documents and you execute cd /var/www, then running cd - will switch you back to /home/user/documents.

Go to the root directory

To navigate to the root directory of the file system, you can use the cd command with the / path:

cd /

Motivation: This command is beneficial when you want to access the root of the file system, which contains all other directories.

Explanation: The / indicates the root directory, which is the top-level directory in the file system hierarchy. Executing cd / brings you to the root.

Example Output: Regardless of the current directory, executing cd / will always take you to the root directory (/).


The cd command is an essential tool for navigating the file system in Unix-based operating systems. By understanding the different use cases and their corresponding code examples, you can efficiently utilize the cd command to switch directories, access specific directories, return to previous directories, and explore the file system with ease.

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