Exploring the Power of the `cf` Command in Cloud Foundry (with examples)

Exploring the Power of the `cf` Command in Cloud Foundry (with examples)


Cloud Foundry is a popular open-source platform that provides a cloud-based application runtime environment. The cf command-line tool is a powerful way to manage apps and services on Cloud Foundry. In this article, we will explore several essential use cases of the cf command, along with code examples, motivations, explanations, and example outputs for each use case.

Use Case 1: Log in to the Cloud Foundry API


cf login -a api_url

Motivation: Logging in to the Cloud Foundry API is the first step to manage apps and services. By using the cf login command, you can authenticate yourself to the Cloud Foundry platform and gain access to your organization’s resources.

Explanation: The -a flag specifies the target API. Replace api_url with the URL of your Cloud Foundry API endpoint.

Example Output:

API endpoint: https://api.example.com
Email: user@example.com


Targeted org: example-org
Targeted space: dev

Use Case 2: Push an App


cf push app_name

Motivation: The cf push command is used to deploy an application to the Cloud Foundry platform. This is a crucial step in making your application available to users.

Explanation: app_name refers to the name you want to give to your application. Cloud Foundry will automatically detect the characteristics of the application based on its manifest and configurations.

Example Output:

Creating app...
Pushing app...
Starting app...
App started

URL: https://app.example.com

Use Case 3: View Available Services


cf marketplace

Motivation: The cf marketplace command helps you find out what services are available in your organization, which can be very useful while developing or managing your application.

Explanation: By running this command, you can get a list of available services along with their plans, descriptions, and any other relevant information.

Example Output:

Getting services from marketplace in org example-org / space dev as user@example.com...

service                   plans            description
user-provided                                  Provide credentials for services running
serviceName              plan1, plan2      Service description goes here

Use Case 4: Create a Service Instance


cf create-service service plan service_name

Motivation: The cf create-service command allows you to create an instance of a service based on a specific plan. Services are often required to run or provide functionality to your application.

Explanation: service refers to the service offering you want to create an instance of, while plan specifies the specific plan of that service. Finally, service_name is the name you want to give to this service instance.

Example Output:

Creating service instance service_name in org example-org / space dev as user@example.com...

Use Case 5: Connect an Application to a Service


cf bind-service app_name service_name

Motivation: The cf bind-service command allows you to connect an application to a specific service instance. This connection enables the application to consume the services provided by the service instance.

Explanation: app_name is the name of the application you want to bind the service to, and service_name is the name of the service instance.

Example Output:

Binding service service_name to app app_name in org example-org / space dev as user@example.com...

Use Case 6: Run an Independent Script Task


cf run-task app_name "script_command" --name task_name

Motivation: The cf run-task command allows you to run a script as a task inside your application. This is useful when you need to perform a one-time task or run a background job that is independent of your main app.

Explanation: app_name is the name of the application where the script will be run. script_command is the command or script you want to execute, and task_name is the name you want to give to this task.

Example Output:

Running task script_command on app_name... OK

Use Case 7: Start an Interactive SSH Session


cf ssh app_name

Motivation: The cf ssh command enables you to establish an interactive SSH session with a running application on Cloud Foundry. This can be helpful for debugging or performing administrative tasks within the application’s environment.

Explanation: app_name is the name of the application you want to connect to via SSH.

Example Output:

SSH session established with app_name

Use Case 8: View Recent App Logs


cf logs app_name --recent

Motivation: The cf logs command allows you to view the logs generated by an application. Logs are crucial for troubleshooting issues, understanding application behavior, and monitoring performance.

Explanation: app_name refers to the name of the application whose logs you want to view. The --recent flag ensures that you retrieve the most recent logs.

Example Output:

Retrieving logs for app_name in org example-org / space dev as user@example.com...

2022-01-01T10:00:00.000Z [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT Starting the application...
2022-01-01T10:00:01.000Z [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT Application started successfully.


The cf command-line tool is a powerful and versatile tool for managing apps and services on Cloud Foundry. Through this article, we have explored various essential use cases, along with code examples and explanations for each command. By leveraging the capabilities of the cf command, developers and administrators can efficiently deploy, manage, and monitor their applications on the Cloud Foundry platform.

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