How to use the command 'cheat' (with examples)

How to use the command 'cheat' (with examples)

The command ‘cheat’ is a tool that allows users to create and view interactive cheat sheets. It can be useful for quickly accessing and referencing commands and their usage. Here are a few use cases of the command:

Use case 1: Show example usage of a command


cheat command

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to quickly view examples and usage of a specific command.

Explanation: To view the cheat sheet for a specific command, you can use the ‘cheat’ command followed by the name of the command. This will display the cheat sheet containing examples, descriptions, and usage instructions for the specified command.

Example output:

Example usage of the 'command' command:

Command: command [OPTION]... [ARG]...
Description: This command is used to perform a specific action.

 -a, --option1     : Description of option 1.
 -b, --option2     : Description of option 2.

 command -a        : Example usage of option 1.
 command -b arg    : Example usage of option 2 with an argument.

Use case 2: Edit the cheat sheet for a command


cheat -e command

Motivation: This use case allows you to edit the cheat sheet for a specific command, making it convenient to customize and add your own examples or notes.

Explanation: The ‘-e’ option followed by the name of the command allows you to open the cheat sheet in an editor of your choice. You can then make modifications or add additional information to the cheat sheet.

Example output: N/A

Use case 3: List the available cheat sheets


cheat -l

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to see a list of all available cheat sheets.

Explanation: The ‘-l’ option lists all the available cheat sheets. This can be handy if you want to quickly check which cheat sheets are installed and accessible.

Example output:

Available cheat sheets:
- command1
- command2
- command3

Use case 4: Search available cheat sheets for a specified command name


cheat -s command

Motivation: This use case is beneficial when you want to search for a specific command in the available cheat sheets.

Explanation: The ‘-s’ option followed by the command name allows you to search through the available cheat sheets for a specific command. This command performs a case-insensitive search and displays the cheat sheets that contain the specified command.

Example output:

Search results for 'command':
- command1
- command2

Use case 5: Get the current cheat version


cheat -v

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to check the version of the cheat tool you are using.

Explanation: The ‘-v’ option displays the current version of the cheat tool. This can be useful to verify if you have the latest version installed or to troubleshoot any version-related issues.

Example output:

Cheat version 2.0.1


The ‘cheat’ command provides a convenient way to create and view interactive cheat sheets, making it easier to access and reference command usage. Whether you want to view examples, edit cheat sheets, search for commands, or check the tool’s version, the ‘cheat’ command has you covered.

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