How to Use the Command 'cheat' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'cheat' (with examples)

The ‘cheat’ command is a powerful tool that allows users to create and access interactive cheat sheets right from the command line. It’s particularly useful for developers and system administrators who frequently use complex commands and want quick, easy access to reference materials without leaving the terminal. The command supports editing, listing, and searching of cheat sheets, making it a versatile resource for command-line users.

Use Case 1: Show Example Usage of a Command


cheat command


When you’re working with complex command-line tools, it’s easy to forget specific syntax or options. The ‘cheat’ command addresses this by allowing users to recall example usage of a specified command quickly. This immediate access to practical examples can greatly reduce the time spent browsing documentation or online forums, thus making you more efficient and productive.


  • cheat: This is the primary command used to interface with the ‘cheat’ tool.
  • command: Replace this with the name of the command for which you want to see example usage. It prompts ‘cheat’ to search for the corresponding cheat sheet and display it.

Example Output:

# To view the current directory listing:
ls -al

# To search for a file named 'example.txt':
find /path/to/search -name 'example.txt'

Use Case 2: Edit the Cheat Sheet for a Command


cheat -e command


Customization is key when it comes to cheat sheets. As you discover more efficient ways to use commands or need to tailor examples to your specific workflows, it can be beneficial to edit existing sheets. The ‘cheat -e’ option opens the cheat sheet in a default text editor, allowing for real-time edits and extensions to existing information.


  • cheat: The base command for accessing the ‘cheat’ tool.
  • -e: A flag that stands for ’edit’. It tells the ‘cheat’ tool that you want to edit the cheat sheet.
  • command: Specifies the cheat sheet you wish to edit by using the command’s name.

Example Output:

Upon executing the command, your text editor opens with the cheat sheet content loaded, allowing you to make and save changes.

Use Case 3: List the Available Cheat Sheets


cheat -l


With potentially dozens or even hundreds of commands that you interact with regularly, knowing which cheat sheets are available can help you quickly access the information you need. Listing available cheat sheets gives an overview and helps in planning or organizing your workflow, ensuring you have the resources you need at hand.


  • cheat: The core command used for interacting with cheat sheets.
  • -l: This flag stands for ’list’. It instructs the ‘cheat’ tool to display a list of all cheat sheets currently available to the user.

Example Output:


Use Case 4: Search Available Cheat Sheets for a Specified Command Name


cheat -s command


As your collection of cheat sheets grows, quickly finding the right one can become challenging. The ability to search for cheat sheets by command name streamlines this process, helping you find the exact cheat sheet you need without having to sift through a long list.


  • cheat: The command for managing interactive cheat sheets.
  • -s: A flag that means ‘search’. It directs ‘cheat’ to look through the available cheat sheets.
  • command: Represents the keyword or command name you’re searching for within the cheat sheets.

Example Output:

git: A version control system cheat sheet
docker: Container management cheat sheet

Use Case 5: Display Version


cheat -v


Knowing which version of a tool you are using is crucial for troubleshooting and ensuring compatibility with other software. Displaying the version of ‘cheat’ can help diagnose issues or confirm that you’re working with the latest updates and features.


  • cheat: The main command for utilizing cheat sheets.
  • -v: The flag that stands for ‘version’. This instructs ‘cheat’ to output the current version number of the tool.

Example Output:

cheat version 3.2.1


The ‘cheat’ command offers a multitude of functionalities that streamline the process of referencing command syntax and examples. Whether you’re editing a cheat sheet to tailor it to your specific needs or quickly retrieving a list of available resources, this command-line tool boosts productivity and enhances efficiency in handling command-line tasks. Its ability to provide immediate reference material makes it an indispensable asset for anyone who regularly navigates complex command-line environments.

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