How to use the command 'checkupdates-aur' (with examples)

How to use the command 'checkupdates-aur' (with examples)

The checkupdates-aur command is a utility designed for users of Arch Linux, specifically those who rely on the Arch User Repository (AUR) for additional software packages. This command facilitates the process of identifying available updates for the AUR packages installed on your system. As AUR packages are maintained by the community and not by the Arch Linux maintainers themselves, having a tool to track updates for these packages is crucial for keeping your system up to date and secure. The command provides various functionalities, including listing pending updates with an option for debugging, and displaying basic help information.

Use case 1: List pending updates for AUR packages



Motivation for using this example:

The primary motivation behind using this example is to ensure that all your AUR packages are running the latest version. Regularly checking for updates is a good practice to maintain system security, stability, and to benefit from new features or bug fixes that come with updated packages. Furthermore, staying updated helps prevent potential compatibility issues that might arise from out-of-date packages.


  • checkupdates-aur: This command, without any additional arguments or flags, checks all the AUR packages currently installed on your Arch Linux system and lists those that have newer versions available for download and installation. It scans the AUR for updates, providing users with the essential information needed to keep their software packages current.

Example output:

package1 1.0.0-1 -> 1.1.0-1
package2 2.3.4-2 -> 2.4.0-1

In this output, the command lists packages package1 and package2, showing the current version installed on the system and the newer version available in the AUR.

Use case 2: List pending updates for AUR packages in debug mode


CHECKUPDATES_DEBUG=1 checkupdates-aur

Motivation for using this example:

The debug mode is particularly beneficial for users who are encountering issues with the update checking process or those who simply wish to gain a deeper understanding of what is happening under the hood. By enabling debugging, users can analyze the step-by-step execution of the command and potentially identify points of failure or inefficiencies in the update process. This information is invaluable for troubleshooting, allowing users or developers to pinpoint problems quickly.


  • CHECKUPDATES_DEBUG=1: This environmental variable enables debug mode when set to 1. It modifies the behavior of checkupdates-aur by providing detailed information about the command’s operations.
  • checkupdates-aur: This remains the core command to check for pending updates to AUR packages. The integration with the debug mode allows users to see additional output that aids in troubleshooting.

Example output:

DEBUG: Checking for package1 updates...
DEBUG: Current version: 1.0.0-1
DEBUG: Available version: 1.1.0-1
package1 1.0.0-1 -> 1.1.0-1
DEBUG: Checking for package2 updates...
DEBUG: Current version: 2.3.4-2
DEBUG: Available version: 2.4.0-1
package2 2.3.4-2 -> 2.4.0-1

In this output, the command provides verbose details about each step involved in checking updates, alongside the usual list of outdated packages and their available updates.

Use case 3: Display help


checkupdates-aur --help

Motivation for using this example:

Accessing the help documentation is essential for new users looking to familiarize themselves with any command-line tool’s functionality, options, and syntax. Even experienced users may frequent the help command to refresh their memory on specific usages or updates to the tool. This preventative measure is beneficial in ensuring that users leverage the tool optimally.


  • checkupdates-aur --help: The --help flag is a universal flag in many command-line tools that, when used, displays helpful text regarding how to use the tool effectively. In the case of checkupdates-aur, it outlines all available options and provides brief descriptions on the command’s capabilities and usage.

Example output:

Usage: checkupdates-aur [options]

  --debug            Run in debug mode
  --help             Display this help message and exit

Checks for pending updates of AUR packages installed on the system.

In this output, the command presents a concise help guide, providing information about the available options such as enabling debug mode and accessing help.


Regular maintenance of AUR packages through the checkupdates-aur command is pivotal for Arch Linux users. Understanding each use case, from merely listing pending updates to utilizing debug information and accessing help, ensures that users maintain an effective workflow. These examples serve as a guide for effectively managing AUR package updates, leading to a more secure and harmonious system experience.

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