How to use the command chkdsk (with examples)

How to use the command chkdsk (with examples)

The chkdsk command is used to check the file system and volume metadata for errors in Windows operating systems. It helps to detect and fix errors that can lead to data loss or system instability. The command can be executed on a specific volume, drive letter, or mount point.

Use case 1: Specify the drive letter, mount point, or volume name to check


chkdsk volume

Motivation: Use this example when you want to perform a standard file system check on a specific volume.

Explanation: The “chkdsk volume” command is used to check the specified volume for file system errors. Replace “volume” with the appropriate drive letter, mount point, or volume name.

Example output:

C:\> chkdsk C:

This command will check the C: drive for file system errors and display the output on the console.

Use case 2: Fix errors on a specific volume


chkdsk volume /f

Motivation: Use this example when you want to perform a file system check and automatically fix any errors found.

Explanation: The “/f” option is used to fix errors on the specified volume. Replace “volume” with the appropriate drive letter, mount point, or volume name.

Example output:

C:\> chkdsk D: /f

This command will perform a file system check on the D: drive and automatically fix any errors found.

Use case 3: Dismount a specific volume before checking


chkdsk volume /x

Motivation: Use this example when you want to check a volume that is currently in use and cannot be locked.

Explanation: The “/x” option is used to dismount the specified volume before checking. Replace “volume” with the appropriate drive letter, mount point, or volume name.

Example output:

C:\> chkdsk E: /x

This command will dismount the E: drive before performing a file system check. It is useful when you need to check a volume that is currently in use.

Use case 4: Change the log file size to the specified size (only for NTFS)


chkdsk /lsize

Motivation: Use this example when you want to change the size of the log file used by chkdsk for NTFS volumes.

Explanation: The “/lsize” option is used to change the size of the log file to the specified size. It applies only to NTFS volumes.

Example output:

C:\> chkdsk /lsize:1024

This command will change the size of the chkdsk log file to 1024 KB for NTFS volumes.


The chkdsk command is a powerful tool for checking and fixing file system errors in Windows. By using the different options available, you can perform various types of checks, automatically fix errors, dismount volumes, and modify the log file size. These examples serve as a starting point for effectively using chkdsk in different scenarios.

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