How to use the command 'choco apikey' (with examples)

How to use the command 'choco apikey' (with examples)

The ‘choco apikey’ command is used to manage API keys for Chocolatey sources. It allows users to display a list of sources and their API keys, display a specific source and its API key, set an API key for a source, and remove an API key for a source.

Use case 1: Display a list of sources and their API keys


choco apikey

Motivation: This use case allows users to view a list of all the sources configured in Chocolatey and their corresponding API keys. This information can be useful for managing and maintaining the sources.


  • choco apikey - The command itself.
  • No arguments are required for this use case.

Example output:

Source          API Key
--------------  ---------------------
source1_url     *********
source2_url     *********
source3_url     *********

Use case 2: Display a specific source and its API key


choco apikey --source "source_url"

Motivation: This use case is used when users want to view the API key for a specific source instead of the entire list. It allows for more focused retrieval of information.


  • choco apikey - The command itself.
  • --source "source_url" - Specifies the source for which the API key is to be displayed. Replace “source_url” with the URL of the desired source.

Example output:

Source          API Key
--------------  ---------------------
source1_url     *********

Use case 3: Set an API key for a source


choco apikey --source "source_url" --key "api_key"

Motivation: This use case enables users to set an API key for a specific source. It is useful when users want to update the API key associated with a source or add an API key to a new source.


  • choco apikey - The command itself.
  • --source "source_url" - Specifies the source for which the API key is to be set. Replace “source_url” with the URL of the desired source.
  • --key "api_key" - Specifies the API key to be set. Replace “api_key” with the actual API key.

Example output:

The API key for source_url has been successfully set.

Use case 4: Remove an API key for a source


choco apikey --source "source_url" --remove

Motivation: This use case allows users to remove the API key associated with a specific source. It is useful when users no longer want to use an API key for a particular source or want to reset the API key for some reason.


  • choco apikey - The command itself.
  • --source "source_url" - Specifies the source for which the API key is to be removed. Replace “source_url” with the URL of the desired source.
  • --remove - Instructs the command to remove the API key for the specified source.

Example output:

The API key for source_url has been successfully removed.


The ‘choco apikey’ command provides a way to manage API keys for Chocolatey sources. With this command, you can view a list of sources and their API keys, display a specific source and its API key, set an API key for a source, and remove an API key for a source. This flexibility allows for efficient management of sources and their associated keys.

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