How to use the command 'choco feature' (with examples)

How to use the command 'choco feature' (with examples)

The choco feature command is used to interact with features in Chocolatey. Features are optional components that can be configured to enhance the functionality of Chocolatey.

Use case 1: Display a list of available features


choco feature list

Motivation: By listing the available features, users can get an overview of the features that can be enabled or disabled.

Explanation: The list argument is used to display the list of available features.

Example output:

Enabled  Name                   
-------  ----                   
False    ChecksumFiles          
False    AutoUninstaller        
False    AllowGlobalConfirmation

Use case 2: Enable a feature


choco feature enable --name name

Motivation: Enabling a feature allows users to activate additional functionality in Chocolatey.

Explanation: The enable argument is used to enable a feature. The --name flag is used to specify the name of the feature to be enabled.

Example output:

Enabling ChecksumFiles feature...
Feature 'ChecksumFiles' was enabled.

Use case 3: Disable a feature


choco feature disable --name name

Motivation: Disabling a feature allows users to deactivate specific functionality in Chocolatey.

Explanation: The disable argument is used to disable a feature. The --name flag is used to specify the name of the feature to be disabled.

Example output:

Disabling ChecksumFiles feature...
Feature 'ChecksumFiles' was disabled.


The choco feature command is a useful tool for interacting with features in Chocolatey. By using this command, users can list available features, enable specific features, and disable features that are no longer needed. This provides users with flexibility and control over the functionality of Chocolatey.

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