How to use the command choco install (with examples)

How to use the command choco install (with examples)

Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows that allows users to easily install and manage software packages. The choco install command is used to install one or more packages with Chocolatey. It provides several useful options that allow for more control over the installation process.

Use case 1: Install one or more space-separated packages


choco install package1 package2 ...


This use case is useful when you want to quickly install multiple packages at once without having to specify each package separately. It saves time and makes the installation process more efficient.


  • choco install: The main command to install packages with Chocolatey.
  • package1 package2 ...: Specify the names of the packages you want to install, separated by spaces.

Example OUTPUT:

Chocolatey v0.10.15
Installing the following packages:
By installing you accept licenses for the packages.
Progress: Downloading package1 100.0%
Progress: Installing package1 100.0%
Progress: Downloading package2 100.0%
Progress: Installing package2 100.0%

Use case 2: Install packages from a custom configuration file


choco install path\to\packages_file.config


Sometimes it’s convenient to have a configuration file that lists all the packages you want to install. This use case allows you to install packages directly from that configuration file, making it easier to manage and update your installations.


  • choco install: The main command to install packages with Chocolatey.
  • path\to\packages_file.config: Specify the path to the custom configuration file that contains the list of packages you want to install.

Example OUTPUT:

Chocolatey v0.10.15
Installing packages from 'path\to\packages_file.config'...
By installing you accept licenses for the packages.
Progress: Downloading package1 100.0%
Progress: Installing package1 100.0%
Progress: Downloading package2 100.0%
Progress: Installing package2 100.0%

Use case 3: Install a specific nuspec or nupkg file


choco install path\to\file


This use case is useful when you have a specific nuspec or nupkg file that you want to install. It allows you to install packages directly from these files, providing more flexibility in your installation process.


  • choco install: The main command to install packages with Chocolatey.
  • path\to\file: Specify the path to the nuspec or nupkg file that you want to install.

Example OUTPUT:

Chocolatey v0.10.15
Installing package from 'path\to\file'...
By installing you accept licenses for the packages.
Progress: Downloading package 100.0%
Progress: Installing package 100.0%

Use case 4: Install a specific version of a package


choco install package --version version


Sometimes you may need to install a specific version of a package. This use case allows you to specify the version you want to install, ensuring that you get the exact version you need.


  • choco install: The main command to install packages with Chocolatey.
  • package: Specify the name of the package you want to install.
  • --version: This option allows you to specify the version of the package you want to install.
  • version: Replace this with the specific version number of the package you want to install.

Example OUTPUT:

Chocolatey v0.10.15
Installing package version '1.0.0'...
By installing you accept licenses for the packages.
Progress: Downloading package 100.0%
Progress: Installing package 100.0%

Use case 5: Allow installing multiple versions of a package


choco install package --allow-multiple


By default, Chocolatey doesn’t allow the installation of multiple versions of the same package. However, in some cases, you may need to have multiple versions of a package installed. This use case allows you to override this behavior and install multiple versions of a package.


  • choco install: The main command to install packages with Chocolatey.
  • package: Specify the name of the package you want to install.
  • --allow-multiple: This option allows you to override the default behavior and install multiple versions of the same package.

Example OUTPUT:

Chocolatey v0.10.15
Allowing installation of multiple versions of 'package'.
Installing package...
By installing you accept licenses for the packages.
Progress: Downloading package 100.0%
Progress: Installing package 100.0%

Use case 6: Confirm all prompts automatically


choco install package --yes


When installing packages with Chocolatey, it prompts for confirmation before proceeding with the installation. This use case is useful when you want to bypass these prompts and automatically confirm all prompts, making the installation process more streamlined.


  • choco install: The main command to install packages with Chocolatey.
  • package: Specify the name of the package you want to install.
  • --yes: This option automatically confirms all prompts during the installation process.

Example OUTPUT:

Chocolatey v0.10.15
Installing package...
By installing you accept licenses for the packages.
Progress: Downloading package 100.0%
Progress: Installing package 100.0%

Use case 7: Specify a custom source to receive packages from


choco install package --source source_url|alias


By default, Chocolatey installs packages from the official Chocolatey package repository. However, there may be cases where you want to install packages from a custom source, such as a local repository or an alternate package source. This use case allows you to specify a custom source to receive packages from.


  • choco install: The main command to install packages with Chocolatey.
  • package: Specify the name of the package you want to install.
  • --source: This option allows you to specify a custom source URL or alias to receive packages from.
  • source_url|alias: Replace this with the URL or alias of the custom source you want to use.

Example OUTPUT:

Chocolatey v0.10.15
Installing package from 'source_url|alias'...
By installing you accept licenses for the packages.
Progress: Downloading package 100.0%
Progress: Installing package 100.0%

Use case 8: Provide a username and password for authentication


choco install package --user username --password password


In some cases, you may need to provide a username and password for authentication when installing packages. This use case allows you to specify the username and password required for authentication.


  • choco install: The main command to install packages with Chocolatey.
  • package: Specify the name of the package you want to install.
  • --user: This option allows you to specify the username for authentication.
  • username: Replace this with the username required for authentication.
  • --password: This option allows you to specify the password for authentication.
  • password: Replace this with the password required for authentication.

Example OUTPUT:

Chocolatey v0.10.15
Installing package...
By installing you accept licenses for the packages.
Progress: Downloading package 100.0%
Progress: Installing package 100.0%


The choco install command in Chocolatey provides a variety of options that allow for flexible package installation. Whether you need to install multiple packages, install from a custom configuration file, specify a specific version, or customize the installation process in other ways, Chocolatey has you covered. By understanding and utilizing the different use cases of the choco install command, you can effectively manage and install software packages on your Windows system.

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