How to use the command choco pack (with examples)

How to use the command choco pack (with examples)

This article provides examples of using the choco pack command to package a NuGet specification into a nupkg file.

Command Description:

The choco pack command is used to package a NuGet specification into a nupkg file. It allows you to specify the version of the resulting file and the output directory.

Use case 1: Package a NuGet specification to a nupkg file


choco pack path\to\specification_file


This use case is useful when you want to package a NuGet specification into a nupkg file without specifying a version or output directory.


  • choco pack: The command to package a NuGet specification.
  • path\to\specification_file: The path to the NuGet specification file.

Example output:

Chocolatey v0.10.15
Chocolatey Packager v0.10.15
Successfully created package 'path\to\nupkg_file.nupkg'.

Use case 2: Package a NuGet specification specifying the version of the resulting file


choco pack path\to\specification_file --version version


This use case is useful when you want to package a NuGet specification into a nupkg file and specify the version of the resulting file.


  • choco pack: The command to package a NuGet specification.
  • path\to\specification_file: The path to the NuGet specification file.
  • --version version: Specifies the version of the resulting nupkg file.

Example output:

Chocolatey v0.10.15
Chocolatey Packager v0.10.15
Successfully created package 'path\to\nupkg_file.1.0.0.nupkg'.

Use case 3: Package a NuGet specification to a specific directory


choco pack path\to\specification_file --output-directory path\to\output_directory


This use case is useful when you want to package a NuGet specification into a nupkg file and specify a specific output directory.


  • choco pack: The command to package a NuGet specification.
  • path\to\specification_file: The path to the NuGet specification file.
  • --output-directory path\to\output_directory: Specifies the output directory of the resulting nupkg file.

Example output:

Chocolatey v0.10.15
Chocolatey Packager v0.10.15
Successfully created package 'path\to\output_directory\nupkg_file.nupkg'.


The choco pack command is a useful tool for packaging NuGet specifications into nupkg files. It provides flexibility in specifying the version of the resulting file and the output directory. By understanding the different use cases illustrated in this article, you can effectively package your NuGet specifications using the choco pack command.

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