How to use the command 'choco search' (with examples)

How to use the command 'choco search' (with examples)

Chocolatey is a powerful package manager for Windows that enables users to install, update, delete, and search for software packages from a repository. It allows users to manage software on Windows easily, as one would with a Linux package manager. The choco search command is particularly useful as it allows users to find packages either locally or from a remote repository. This article will walk through different ways to use the choco search command with real-world examples.

Search for a Package


choco search query

Sometimes, users may be aware of a package they wish to install but are unsure of its specific name. Using the choco search query command can help them identify available packages related to that query on the Chocolatey repository. By trying different queries, they can scan the available packages and decide the most appropriate one for their needs.


  • choco: This is the shorthand for Chocolatey, the package manager being used.
  • search: This command tells Chocolatey to look for packages.
  • query: This represents the search terms that reflect the user’s interest. The system will return a list of packages related to this query term.

Example Output:

Chocolatey v0.10.15
Searchig for packages matching query 'notepad++'
Notepad++.install 8.1.4 [Approved]
notepadplusplus 8.1.4 [Approved]

Search for a Package Locally


choco search query --local-only

In some scenarios, users want to avoid searching the entire Chocolatey repository and instead focus on the packages already installed on their local system. For instance, this command can be advantageous when confirming if a specific package is installed or if an update is necessary.


  • --local-only: This instructs Chocolatey to ignore any remote repositories and only search the packages available and installed locally.

Example Output:

Chocolatey v0.10.15
Searching for packages locally matching 'notepad++'
No local packages matching input were found.

Only Include Exact Matches in the Results


choco search query --exact

Precision is sometimes critical—for example, if a user wants to ensure they are selecting the exact package needed to meet syntactic or dependency requirements. By using the --exact flag, users can eliminate any loosely related packages and focus only on results that perfectly match the search term.


  • --exact: This refines the search to provide exact matches only, preventing any loosely related package names from appearing.

Example Output:

Chocolatey v0.10.15
Searching for exact matches for 'notepad++.install'
Notepad++.install 8.1.4 [Approved]

Confirm All Prompts Automatically


choco search query --yes

Automating the process by bypassing manual prompts can be incredibly convenient for users who need repeated and quick searches as part of automation or scripting. By using the --yes option, users streamline their workflow as the system automatically confirms prompts, facilitating a smoother search operation.


  • --yes: Indicates automatic confirmation of all prompts during the command’s execution; useful for scripting and continuous integration scenarios.

Example Output:

Chocolatey v0.10.15
Performing search for 'notepad++'
No prompts to confirm; search is automated.

Specify a Custom Source to Search for Packages In


choco search query --source source_url|alias

Advanced users might have proprietary packages hosted on private repositories. This command helps by allowing these users to define a specific repository, or source, which they would like to search within. This ensures that their package search is constrained to or includes their preferred collection of packages.


  • --source source_url|alias: Allows the user to define a specific source, which can be either an actual URL or a predefined alias, for hunting down packages. This feature is especially resonant with enterprises or individual users who host custom repositories.

Example Output:

Chocolatey v0.10.15
Searching repository '' for 'notepad++'
Notepad++.enterprise 7.9 [Approved]

Provide a Username and Password for Authentication


choco search query --user username --password password

For users accessing secure or proprietary Chocolatey feeds requiring authentication, passing a username and password with the search can be essential. This example ensures secure package handling and access control while conducting searches on restricted repositories.


  • --user username: Provides the necessary username for authenticating the request to the specified repository or package source.
  • --password password: Supplies the corresponding password needed for authentication. The password is securely transmitted to the source, ensuring only authorized access.

Example Output:

Chocolatey v0.10.15
Authenticating with username 'user'
Searching secure repository for 'notepad++'
Notepad++ for Business 8.1.1 [Secured Access Required]


The choco search command offers a versatile approach to source control and package management on Windows. By modifying the standard command with various flags, users can tailor outcomes to fit specific operational needs, whether that be verifying installations, enhancing automation, or securing access to confidential repositories. Understanding these use cases empowers users to optimize their software management processes within Windows environments efficiently.

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