How to use the command choco source (with examples)

How to use the command choco source (with examples)

The choco source command is used to manage sources for packages with Chocolatey. It allows users to list available sources, add new sources, enable or disable sources, and remove sources. This command is particularly useful for managing package sources to ensure that the latest packages are available for installation.

Use case 1: List currently available sources


choco source list

Motivation: Checking the available sources can help users verify whether they have the necessary sources to install packages.

Explanation: This command lists all the currently available package sources.

Example Output:

Chocolatey Official Source -

Use case 2: Add a new package source


choco source add --name name --source url

Motivation: Adding a new package source allows users to access packages from different repositories.

Explanation: This command adds a new package source with the specified name and URL. The name argument is the friendly name of the package source, while the url argument is the URL of the source repository.

Example Output:

Package source 'example-source' added successfully.

Use case 3: Add a new package source with credentials


choco source add --name name --source url --user username --password password

Motivation: Adding credentials to a package source allows users to securely access restricted repositories.

Explanation: This command adds a new package source with the specified name, URL, username, and password. The name argument is the friendly name of the package source, the url argument is the URL of the source repository, the username argument is the username for authentication, and the password argument is the password for authentication.

Example Output:

Package source 'example-source' added successfully with credentials.

Use case 4: Add a new package source with a client certificate


choco source add --name name --source url --cert path\to\certificate_file

Motivation: Adding a client certificate to a package source allows users to access repositories that require certificate-based authentication.

Explanation: This command adds a new package source with the specified name, URL, and client certificate. The name argument is the friendly name of the package source, the url argument is the URL of the source repository, and the cert argument is the path to the client certificate file.

Example Output:

Package source 'example-source' added successfully with client certificate.

Use case 5: Enable a package source


choco source enable --name name

Motivation: Enabling a package source ensures that it is actively used for package installations.

Explanation: This command enables the specified package source. The name argument is the friendly name of the package source to enable.

Example Output:

Package source 'example-source' enabled successfully.

Use case 6: Disable a package source


choco source disable --name name

Motivation: Disabling a package source prevents it from being used for package installations.

Explanation: This command disables the specified package source. The name argument is the friendly name of the package source to disable.

Example Output:

Package source 'example-source' disabled successfully.

Use case 7: Remove a package source


choco source remove --name name

Motivation: Removing a package source cleans up the configuration and prevents accidental usage.

Explanation: This command removes the specified package source. The name argument is the friendly name of the package source to remove.

Example Output:

Package source 'example-source' removed successfully.


The choco source command is a powerful tool for managing package sources in Chocolatey. It allows users to list available sources, add or remove sources, and enable or disable sources. By mastering this command, users can ensure that they have the necessary package sources for installing and updating software packages with Chocolatey.

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