How to use the command choco uninstall (with examples)

How to use the command choco uninstall (with examples)

The choco uninstall command is used to uninstall one or more packages with Chocolatey. It allows users to easily remove installed packages from their system. This command is especially useful for managing software dependencies and freeing up disk space.

Use case 1: Uninstall one or more space-separated packages


choco uninstall package1 package2 ...

Motivation: This use case demonstrates how to uninstall multiple packages at once. This can be beneficial when you have several packages that you no longer need and want to remove them in a single command.

Explanation: The choco uninstall command is followed by a space-separated list of package names. Each package in the list will be uninstalled individually.

Example output:

Uninstalling package1...
Uninstalling package2...
Packages successfully uninstalled.

Use case 2: Uninstall a specific version of a package


choco uninstall package --version version

Motivation: There might be situations where you want to uninstall a specific version of a package, such as when you encounter compatibility issues with a new version. This use case allows you to specify the version that you want to uninstall.

Explanation: The --version argument is used to specify the version of the package you want to uninstall. Replace version in the command with the desired version number.

Example output:

Uninstalling package version 1.2.3...
Package successfully uninstalled.

Use case 3: Confirm all prompts automatically


choco uninstall package --yes

Motivation: When uninstalling packages, there are typically prompts asking for confirmation. This use case demonstrates how to automatically confirm all prompts, making the uninstallation process faster.

Explanation: The --yes argument is used to automatically confirm all prompts. It will bypass any confirmation prompts and proceed with the uninstallation.

Example output:

Uninstalling package...
Package successfully uninstalled.

Use case 4: Remove all dependencies when uninstalling


choco uninstall package --remove-dependencies

Motivation: Packages often have dependencies that are installed alongside them. By default, these dependencies are not uninstalled when you uninstall a package. This use case shows how to remove all dependencies when uninstalling a package.

Explanation: The --remove-dependencies argument is used to remove all dependencies of the package being uninstalled. This ensures that all related software is removed from your system.

Example output:

Uninstalling package...
Removing package dependency1...
Removing package dependency2...
Package and dependencies successfully uninstalled.

Use case 5: Uninstall all packages


choco uninstall all

Motivation: If you want to start fresh and remove all packages installed by Chocolatey, this use case allows you to uninstall all packages at once.

Explanation: The all keyword is used to indicate that all packages should be uninstalled. This will remove every package installed by Chocolatey on your system.

Example output:

Uninstalling package1...
Uninstalling package2...
Uninstalling package3...
All packages successfully uninstalled.


The choco uninstall command provides a convenient way to uninstall packages with Chocolatey. Whether you need to remove multiple packages, uninstall specific versions, automate confirmation prompts, remove dependencies, or uninstall all packages, Chocolatey has you covered. With these use cases, you can easily manage your software installations and keep your system clean.

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