Using the Chocolatey Package Manager (with examples)

Using the Chocolatey Package Manager (with examples)


Chocolatey is a popular package manager for Windows, allowing users to install, upgrade, and manage software packages easily from the command line. In this article, we will explore various use cases of the choco command, such as executing a Chocolatey command, calling general help, calling help on a specific command, and checking the Chocolatey version.

1: Execute a Chocolatey command

To execute a Chocolatey command, use the following syntax:

choco [command]

The [command] represents the specific Chocolatey command you want to execute.

Example: Installing a package using the choco install command

choco install googlechrome

This command will install the Google Chrome browser on your system. By executing any valid Chocolatey command, you can perform various package management tasks easily.

2: Call general help

To get general help about Chocolatey and its available commands, use the -? or --help option with the choco command.


choco -?

Running this command will display the general help menu, providing an overview of the Chocolatey package manager and its available commands.

3: Call help on a specific command

To get help on a specific Chocolatey command, use the -? or --help option after the specific command.


choco install -?

Running this command will display the help menu specifically for the choco install command. The help menu provides detailed information about the command, its available options, and usage examples.

4: Check the Chocolatey version

To check the version of Chocolatey installed on your system, use the --version option with the choco command.


choco --version

Running this command will display the version number of Chocolatey installed on your system.


By understanding these different use cases of the choco command, you can effectively utilize Chocolatey to manage software packages on your Windows machine. Whether you need to install, upgrade, or manage packages, the Chocolatey package manager provides a convenient and efficient way to handle these tasks from the command line.

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