How to use the command chromium (with examples)

How to use the command chromium (with examples)

Chromium is an open-source web browser developed and maintained by Google. It offers various features and settings that can be customized through command-line options. This article will provide several use case examples to demonstrate the different functionalities of the Chromium command.

Use case 1: Open a specific URL or file



Motivation: The motivation behind this use case is to open a specific URL or file directly in Chromium without manually navigating through the browser. This can be handy when you want to quickly access a specific webpage or open a local HTML file.

Explanation: The “ |path/to/file.html” argument specifies the URL or path to the file that needs to be opened in Chromium. You can replace “ |path/to/file.html” with your desired URL or file path.

Example output: Chromium will launch and open the specified URL or file in a new tab.

Use case 2: Open in incognito mode


chromium --incognito

Motivation: Incognito mode allows you to browse the web without saving any information, such as browsing history or cookies. This use case is helpful when you want to ensure your browsing activity is not tracked.

Explanation: The “–incognito” flag enables incognito mode in Chromium. The “” argument represents the URL of the website you want to open in incognito mode. Replace “” with your desired URL.

Example output: Chromium will launch in incognito mode and open the specified website in a new tab.

Use case 3: Open in a new window


chromium --new-window

Motivation: Opening a website in a new window can be useful when you want to separate different browsing sessions or work with multiple websites simultaneously.

Explanation: The “–new-window” flag instructs Chromium to open the specified website in a new window. Replace “” with your desired URL.

Example output: Chromium will launch with a new window and load the specified website.

Use case 4: Open in application mode


chromium --app=

Motivation: Application mode in Chromium provides a streamlined browsing experience by removing unnecessary elements such as toolbars, URL bar, and buttons. This use case is suitable for scenarios where you want to focus solely on the content of a website.

Explanation: The “–app=” option launches Chromium in application mode with the specified website. Replace “ ” with your desired URL.

Example output: Chromium will open in application mode, removing unnecessary browser elements and displaying only the content of the specified website.

Use case 5: Use a proxy server


chromium --proxy-server="socks5://hostname:66"

Motivation: Using a proxy server allows you to access the web through an intermediary server, which can provide benefits such as anonymity or bypassing certain restrictions. This use case is useful when you need to browse the web through a specific proxy server.

Explanation: The “–proxy-server” option followed by the proxy server address is used to configure Chromium to use a specific proxy server. Replace “socks5://hostname:66” with the desired proxy server address and port. The “” argument represents the URL you want to access through the proxy server.

Example output: Chromium will launch and access the specified URL through the configured proxy server.

Use case 6: Open with a custom profile directory


chromium --user-data-dir=path/to/directory

Motivation: Using a custom profile directory allows you to have multiple profiles with different sets of bookmarks, extensions, and settings in Chromium. This use case is beneficial when you want to use specific configurations for different scenarios, such as work and personal browsing.

Explanation: The “–user-data-dir=path/to/directory” option specifies the custom profile directory you want to use with Chromium. Replace “path/to/directory” with the desired directory path.

Example output: Chromium will launch with the specified custom profile directory, loading the corresponding settings and configurations.

Use case 7: Open without CORS validation


chromium --user-data-dir=path/to/directory --disable-web-security

Motivation: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a security mechanism implemented by browsers to restrict access between different domains. Disabling CORS validation can be useful for testing APIs or accessing resources that would otherwise be blocked due to CORS restrictions.

Explanation: The “–disable-web-security” flag disables CORS validation in Chromium. Combined with the “–user-data-dir=path/to/directory” option, it allows you to open Chromium without CORS restrictions. Replace “path/to/directory” with the desired directory path.

Example output: Chromium will launch without enforcing CORS restrictions, allowing you to test APIs or access resources without encountering CORS-related issues.

Use case 8: Open with a DevTools window for each tab opened


chromium --auto-open-devtools-for-tabs

Motivation: DevTools is a powerful set of web development tools built into Chromium, providing features for debugging, inspecting DOM elements, analyzing network traffic, and more. Opening a DevTools window for each tab opened can streamline the development process, ensuring easy access to the tools for every webpage.

Explanation: The “–auto-open-devtools-for-tabs” flag instructs Chromium to automatically open a DevTools window for each new tab opened.

Example output: Chromium will launch, and each time you open a new tab, a separate DevTools window will also be opened, providing tools and features for web development.


In this article, we have explored various use cases of the Chromium command. From opening specific URLs or files to utilizing advanced features such as incognito mode and custom profiles, Chromium offers a range of options to enhance your browsing experience. By using these command-line examples, you can tailor Chromium to your specific needs and preferences.

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