How to use the command 'clash' (with examples)

How to use the command 'clash' (with examples)

The ‘clash’ command is a rule-based tunnel in Go, used for traffic forwarding. It allows you to specify a configuration directory or file for setting up the tunnel.

Use case 1: Specify a configuration directory


clash -d path/to/directory

Motivation: When you have multiple configuration files or settings organized in a directory structure, it is more convenient to specify a configuration directory rather than individual files. This way, you can easily manage and maintain your configurations in an organized manner.

Explanation: -d: Specifies the configuration directory where the clash command will search for configuration files. You need to provide the path to the directory.

Example output: If you have a directory named ‘config’ in the current working directory containing multiple configuration files, running the following command would use the ‘config’ directory as the configuration directory:

clash -d config

Use case 2: Specify a configuration file


clash -f path/to/configuration_file

Motivation: In some cases, you may have a specific configuration file that you want to use for setting up the tunnel. Specifying a configuration file directly allows you to use that specific file without searching through a directory.

Explanation: -f: Specifies the configuration file that the clash command will use for setting up the tunnel. You need to provide the path to the configuration file.

Example output: Suppose you have a configuration file named ‘config.yaml’ located in your home directory. Running the following command would use ‘config.yaml’ as the configuration file:

clash -f ~/config.yaml


In this article, we explored two use cases of the ‘clash’ command. We learned how to specify a configuration directory and a configuration file for setting up the tunnel. By utilizing these options, you can easily manage and use your configuration files in different scenarios.

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