"clido" Command Line Tool (with examples)

"clido" Command Line Tool (with examples)

Create a List

To create a new list using the clido command, you can use the --new flag followed by the desired name for your list. This will create a new empty list with the specified name.


clido --new mylist


Creating a list allows you to organize and track tasks, notes, or any other information in a structured manner. The clido tool provides a convenient way to manage these lists from the terminal.


  • --new: This flag is used to indicate that a new list should be created.
  • name: Replace this placeholder with the desired name for your list. It can be any alphanumeric string.

Example Output:

List 'mylist' created successfully!

Load a List

To load an existing list using the clido command, you can use the --load flag followed by the name of the list you want to load. This will load the specified list and make it the active list in clido.


clido --load mylist


Loading a list allows you to access and modify its content. This is useful when you want to make changes to an existing list or continue working on a previously saved list.


  • --load: This flag is used to indicate that an existing list should be loaded.
  • name: Replace this placeholder with the name of the list you want to load. It should match the name of an existing list.

Example Output:

List 'mylist' loaded successfully!

Delete a List

To delete an existing list using the clido command, you can use the --remove flag followed by the name of the list you want to delete. This will permanently remove the specified list from clido.


clido --remove mylist


Deleting a list allows you to remove unnecessary or outdated information. This is useful when you no longer need a specific list or want to clean up your list repository.


  • --remove: This flag is used to indicate that an existing list should be removed.
  • name: Replace this placeholder with the name of the list you want to delete. It should match the name of an existing list.

Example Output:

List 'mylist' deleted successfully!

List All Lists

To list all existing lists using the clido command, you can use the --lists flag. This will display the names of all the currently available lists in clido.


clido --lists


Listing all the available lists provides an overview of the existing collections of tasks or notes. This allows you to quickly identify and select the desired list for further operations.


  • --lists: This flag is used to indicate that all existing lists should be listed.

Example Output:

Available lists:
- mylist
- groceries
- work

Toggle Autowrite

To toggle the autowrite feature in clido, you can use the toggle-autowrite command. This feature automatically saves changes to the active list whenever modifications are made.


clido toggle-autowrite


Enabling autowrite ensures that your changes are automatically saved without the need for explicit saving commands. This helps in preventing any accidental loss of data and makes the process more efficient.


  • toggle-autowrite: This command is used to toggle the autowrite feature on or off.

Example Output:

Autowrite: Enabled


Autowrite: Disabled

Open a List in a Text Editor

To open a list in a text editor using the clido command, you can use the edit command followed by the desired text editor. This will open the active list in the specified text editor.


clido edit vim


Opening a list in a text editor allows you to make more extensive changes or perform advanced operations that may not be available in the clido interface. This gives you flexibility in editing your lists.


  • edit: This command is used to open the active list in a text editor.
  • text_editor: Replace this placeholder with the name of the text editor you want to use. It should be a valid command recognized by your system.

Example Output:

This command will open the active list in the specified text editor, allowing you to edit its contents directly in the text editor interface.

Display Version

To display the version of clido using the clido command, you can use the -v flag. This will print the current version number of the clido tool.


clido -v


Knowing the version of clido can be helpful when troubleshooting issues or ensuring compatibility with other tools or systems. It helps in understanding the features and improvements available in different versions.


  • -v: This flag is used to indicate that the version number should be displayed.

Example Output:

clido version 1.2.3

Display Help

To display the help information for clido using the clido command, you can use the -h flag. This will provide a summary of the available commands and their usage.


clido -h


Displaying the help information gives you access to the documentation and usage instructions of clido directly from the terminal. This helps in understanding the available functionality and how to use the tool effectively.


  • -h: This flag is used to indicate that the help information should be displayed.

Example Output:

clido - Save-state TODO app for the terminal.

  clido --new name       Create a new list with the given name.
  clido --load name      Load an existing list with the given name.
  clido --remove name    Delete a list with the given name.
  clido --lists              List all available lists.
  clido toggle-autowrite     Toggle autowrite feature.
  clido edit text_editor Open active list in the specified text editor.
  clido -v                   Display the version of clido.
  clido -h                   Display this help information.
More information: <https://codeberg.org/Oglo12/clido/wiki>


In this article, we explored eight different use cases of the clido command line tool. We covered creating, loading, and deleting lists, listing all available lists, toggling autowrite, opening a list in a text editor, displaying the version, and accessing the help information. These examples demonstrate how clido can be used to efficiently manage and organize your tasks, notes, or any other information from the terminal.

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