How to use the command 'clockwork-cli' (with examples)

How to use the command 'clockwork-cli' (with examples)

Clockwork is a PHP debugging framework that provides various tools to help developers debug and optimize their PHP applications. The ‘clockwork-cli’ command-line interface allows developers to monitor the Clockwork logs for their projects. This article will illustrate different use cases of the ‘clockwork-cli’ command.

Use case 1: Monitor Clockwork logs for the current project




Monitoring the Clockwork logs for the current project can provide valuable insights into the application’s performance, database queries, and other metrics. It helps in identifying and resolving any potential issues or bottlenecks in real-time.


The command ‘clockwork-cli’ without any arguments will monitor the Clockwork logs for the current project. It uses the default path to locate the Clockwork data files and displays the logs on the command line.

Example output:

Clockwork-CLI - Current Project Logs



- Total Requests: 10
- Average Response Time: 102.4 ms
- Total Database Queries: 25

Latest Requests:

1. GET /api/users
   - Response Time: 56.7 ms
   - Database Queries: 5

2. POST /api/users
   - Response Time: 80.2 ms
   - Database Queries: 10


Use case 2: Monitor Clockwork logs for a specific project


clockwork-cli path/to/directory


In some cases, you might want to monitor the Clockwork logs for a specific project. This is useful when you have multiple projects running simultaneously and want to focus on the logs of a particular project.


By providing the path to the project directory as an argument, the ‘clockwork-cli’ command will monitor the Clockwork logs for that specific project. It will locate the Clockwork data files in the specified directory and display the logs accordingly.

Example output:

Clockwork-CLI - Project Logs: path/to/directory



- Total Requests: 5
- Average Response Time: 85.2 ms
- Total Database Queries: 15

Latest Requests:

1. GET /api/products
   - Response Time: 70.3 ms
   - Database Queries: 8

2. POST /api/products
   - Response Time: 90.5 ms
   - Database Queries: 7


Use case 3: Monitor Clockwork logs for multiple projects


clockwork-cli path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2 ...


When working on multiple projects simultaneously, it can be beneficial to monitor the Clockwork logs for all the projects at once. This helps in comparing the performance metrics, identifying patterns, and gaining a holistic view of the projects’ performance.


By providing multiple project directories as arguments, separated by spaces, the ‘clockwork-cli’ command will monitor the Clockwork logs for all the specified projects. It will locate the Clockwork data files in each directory and display the logs in separate sections for each project.

Example output:

Clockwork-CLI - Multiple Project Logs


Project 1 - path/to/directory1


- Total Requests: 10
- Average Response Time: 102.4 ms
- Total Database Queries: 25

Latest Requests:

1. GET /api/users
   - Response Time: 56.7 ms
   - Database Queries: 5

2. POST /api/users
   - Response Time: 80.2 ms
   - Database Queries: 10


Project 2 - path/to/directory2


- Total Requests: 5
- Average Response Time: 85.2 ms
- Total Database Queries: 15

Latest Requests:

1. GET /api/products
   - Response Time: 70.3 ms
   - Database Queries: 8

2. POST /api/products
   - Response Time: 90.5 ms
   - Database Queries: 7




The ‘clockwork-cli’ command-line interface provides a convenient way to monitor Clockwork logs for PHP projects. By using different arguments, you can monitor the logs for the current project, a specific project, or multiple projects simultaneously. This helps in debugging and optimizing the PHP applications by gaining real-time insights into their performance and other metrics.

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