How to use the command 'cmctl' (with examples)

How to use the command 'cmctl' (with examples)

cmctl is a command-line tool used to manage cert-manager resources within a Kubernetes cluster. cert-manager is a powerful tool responsible for automating the management and issuance of TLS certificates from various issuing sources. cmctl allows users to conveniently interact with cert-manager resources to perform tasks, such as checking the signing status of certificates, approving or denying requests, and issuing new certificate requests. Its utility makes it indispensable for administrators aiming to maintain the security and efficiency of their Kubernetes environments. More details about it can be explored at .

Use case 1: Check if the cert-manager API is ready


cmctl check api


Ensuring that the cert-manager API is running smoothly and is fully operational is crucial for maintaining the seamless issuance of certificates within a Kubernetes environment. Checking the API readiness helps identify potential issues before they impact service operation, thus allowing preventive measures to be taken.


  • cmctl check api: This command triggers a validation check to ensure the cert-manager API server is ready. It doesn’t need additional arguments as its sole purpose is to confirm the API’s health.

Example Output:

The cert-manager API is ready.

This output indicates that the cert-manager API is up and running, and ready to handle certificate-related requests.

Use case 2: Check the status of a certificate


cmctl status certificate cert_name


Tracking the status of a certificate ensures that admins are aware of its current state, such as whether it has been issued, is pending, or has encountered errors. This awareness is vital for compliance and operational readiness, especially when certificates are critical for secure communications.


  • cmctl status certificate: This command is used to obtain the status of a specified certificate.
  • cert_name: This argument specifies the name of the certificate whose status you wish to check, allowing you to precisely target the certificate in question.

Example Output:

Name: cert_name
Issuer: example-issuer
Status: Ready
Age: 10d

This output provides information about the certificate, confirming that it is ready to use, along with details like the issuer and how long the certificate has been active.

Use case 3: Create a new certificate request based on an existing certificate


cmctl create certificaterequest my-cr --from-certificate-file cert.yaml


Reusing configurations from an existing certificate to create a new request can streamline operations, ensuring consistency and reducing the likelihood of errors. It saves time in environments where certificates with similar configurations need to be requested regularly.


  • cmctl create certificaterequest: This part of the command initiates the creation of a new certificate request.
  • my-cr: This is the name assigned to the certificate request being created.
  • --from-certificate-file cert.yaml: This flag and its argument denote the file that contains the template or specifications from an existing certificate, which the new request will incorporate.

Example Output:

Created new CertificateRequest "my-cr" from "cert.yaml"

The output confirms successful creation of a new certificate request, utilizing the provided certificate file as a base configuration.

Use case 4: Create a new certificate request, fetch the signed certificate, and set a maximum wait time


cmctl create certificaterequest my-cr --from-certificate-file cert.yaml --fetch-certificate --timeout 20m


Automating the process of certificate request creation and fetching the signed certificate boosts efficiency and minimizes manual intervention. Setting a maximum wait time ensures that operations don’t halt indefinitely, assisting administrators in managing timeouts effectively.


  • cmctl create certificaterequest: Similar to use case 3, it begins the process of creating a new certificate request.
  • my-cr: The identifier for the new certificate request.
  • --from-certificate-file cert.yaml: Points to a file that serves as a template for the new request.
  • --fetch-certificate: This flag instructs the command to retrieve the signed certificate automatically once it’s ready, reducing the need for a follow-up action.
  • --timeout 20m: This option sets a maximum wait time of 20 minutes for the signed certificate to become available. This ensures the process does not hang if the certificate cannot be signed promptly.

Example Output:

Created new CertificateRequest "my-cr" from "cert.yaml"
Certificate "my-cr" signed successfully and fetched.

This output indicates that the certificate request was created and the signed certificate was successfully fetched within the allotted time frame.


The cmctl tool provides robust capabilities for managing cert-manager resources efficiently. Through these various use cases, we have illustrated how the tool can significantly aid in maintaining and facilitating certificate management tasks within Kubernetes. Whether checking API readiness, monitoring certificate status, or automating request processes, cmctl offers essential functionalities that strengthen security orchestration in cloud environments.

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