How to use the command 'cmd' (with examples)

How to use the command 'cmd' (with examples)

The cmd command is the Windows command interpreter. It is used to execute commands and run shell scripts within the Windows operating system. This article will illustrate various use cases of the cmd command, providing examples and explanations for each one.

Use case 1: Start an interactive shell session



Motivation: This use case is used to open a command prompt window where the user can interactively enter commands and execute them within the context of the command interpreter.

Explanation: The cmd command without any additional arguments starts an interactive shell session, allowing the user to enter commands and execute them.

Example output:

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19041.746]
(c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Use case 2: Execute specific commands


cmd /c echo Hello world

Motivation: This use case is used to execute a specific command within the Windows command prompt without having to open an interactive session.

Explanation: The /c argument is used to specify that the following command should be executed and then terminate the command prompt. In this example, the echo command is used to print “Hello world” to the console.

Example output:

Hello world

Use case 3: Execute a specific script


cmd path\to\script.bat

Motivation: This use case is used to execute a specific script file (with a .bat extension) within the Windows command prompt.

Explanation: By providing the path to a script file after the cmd command, the command prompt will execute the script and perform the actions defined within it.

Example output: (The output will vary depending on the script that is executed.)

Script output

Use case 4: Execute specific commands and enter an interactive shell


cmd /k echo Hello world

Motivation: This use case is used to execute specific commands and then enter an interactive shell session, where the user can continue entering commands.

Explanation: The /k argument is used to specify that the following command should be executed and then the command prompt should remain open for further interaction. In this example, the echo command is used to print “Hello world” to the console before entering the interactive shell.

Example output:

Hello world

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19041.746]
(c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Use case 5: Start an interactive shell session with disabled echo


cmd /q

Motivation: This use case is used to start an interactive shell session where the echo command is disabled, meaning that command output will not be displayed on the console.

Explanation: The /q argument is used to start an interactive shell session with echo disabled. This can be useful in scenarios where the command output is not needed or desired.

Example output: (No command output will be displayed on the console.)

Use case 6: Start an interactive shell session with delayed variable expansion enabled or disabled


cmd /v:on|off

Motivation: This use case is used to start an interactive shell session where delayed variable expansion is enabled or disabled. Delayed variable expansion is a feature that allows the use of variables in batch scripts, where variables are expanded at execution time instead of when the line is parsed.

Explanation: The /v:on argument is used to start an interactive shell session with delayed variable expansion enabled, while /v:off is used to disable it. The choice depends on the requirements of the script or commands being executed.

Example output: (The output will vary depending on the commands or scripts that utilize delayed variable expansion.)

Use case 7: Start an interactive shell session with command extensions enabled or disabled


cmd /e:on|off

Motivation: This use case is used to start an interactive shell session with command extensions enabled or disabled. Command extensions are additional features and enhancements to the commands available in the default command interpreter.

Explanation: The /e:on argument is used to start an interactive shell session with command extensions enabled, while /e:off is used to disable them. Enabling command extensions allows the use of additional commands and features.

Example output: (The output will vary depending on the commands executed with or without command extensions.)

Use case 8: Start an interactive shell session with used Unicode encoding


cmd /u

Motivation: This use case is used to start an interactive shell session with Unicode encoding. Unicode encoding allows the representation of characters from various scripts and languages, providing increased flexibility and support.

Explanation: The /u argument is used to start an interactive shell session with Unicode encoding enabled. This can be helpful in scenarios where the command prompt needs to handle or display characters from different scripts or languages.

Example output: (No specific example output to show, as the effect of Unicode encoding is related to the handling and display of characters within the command prompt.)


The cmd command is a powerful tool for executing commands and running shell scripts within the Windows command prompt. By understanding its various use cases and arguments, users can make the most out of this command and efficiently perform tasks within the Windows operating system.

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