How to use the command 'cmdkey' (with examples)

How to use the command 'cmdkey' (with examples)

The ‘cmdkey’ command is a powerful tool in Windows that allows users to create, show, and delete stored user names and passwords. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where multiple users need to access a server or when credentials for a specific target need to be managed.

Use case 1: Show a list of all user credentials

To show a list of all user credentials, you can use the following code:

cmdkey /list

Motivation: This use case can be handy when you want to quickly view all the user credentials stored on your Windows machine. It allows you to have a comprehensive overview of your stored credentials.

Explanation: The ‘/list’ argument is used to display a list of all the stored user credentials. When you run this command, it will show both the target name and the user name associated with each stored credential.

Example Output:

Currently stored credentials:

    Target: server1
    Type: Domain Password
    User: user1

    Target: server2
    Type: Domain Password
    User: user2


Use case 2: Store credentials for a user that accesses a server

To store credentials for a user that accesses a server, you can use the following code:

cmdkey /add:server_name /user:user_name

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to store the credentials of a user who frequently accesses a specific server. By storing the credentials, the user does not need to enter them manually every time they access the server.

Explanation: The ‘/add’ argument is used to add or store new user credentials. The ‘server_name’ parameter specifies the name of the server you want to store the credentials for. The ‘user_name’ parameter specifies the user name for which you want to store the credentials.

Example Output:

Credentials were successfully stored for server_name.

Use case 3: Delete credentials for a specific target

To delete credentials for a specific target, you can use the following code:

cmdkey /delete target_name

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to remove stored credentials for a specific target. It is especially useful when you no longer want a user to access a particular target or when credentials need to be updated.

Explanation: The ‘/delete’ argument is used to delete stored user credentials for a specific target. The ’target_name’ parameter specifies the name of the target for which you want to delete the credentials.

Example Output:

Credentials for target_name were successfully deleted.


The ‘cmdkey’ command provides a convenient way to manage stored user credentials in Windows. Whether you want to view all the stored credentials, store new ones for a user accessing a server, or delete credentials for a specific target, the ‘cmdkey’ command has got you covered. By using the examples provided, you can easily perform these actions efficiently and securely.

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