How to use the command cmstp (with examples)

How to use the command cmstp (with examples)


The cmstp command is used to manage connection service profiles in Windows. It allows users to install and uninstall specific profiles, with various options for customization and control.

Use case 1: Install a specific profile


cmstp "path\to\profile_file"

Motivation: Installing a specific profile is useful when there is a need to establish a connection with a network or a VPN. This can be a requirement in corporate environments or when accessing specific resources.

Explanation: The command cmstp is used to install connection service profiles. The argument "path\to\profile_file" specifies the file path of the profile to be installed.

Example output: The specific profile file located at “path\to\profile_file” will be installed, establishing the desired network or VPN connection.

Use case 2: Install without creating a desktop shortcut


cmstp /ns "path\to\profile_file"

Motivation: Creating desktop shortcuts for all installed profiles can clutter the user’s desktop. By using the /ns option, the profile can be installed without creating a shortcut, providing a cleaner desktop environment.

Explanation: The /ns option is used to tell cmstp not to create a desktop shortcut for the installed profile. This is useful when there is no need for an easily accessible shortcut on the desktop.

Example output: The profile file located at “path\to\profile_file” will be installed without creating a desktop shortcut.

Use case 3: Install without checking for dependencies


cmstp /nf "path\to\profile_file"

Motivation: Sometimes, during the installation of a profile, the system may automatically check for and resolve any dependencies required by the profile. However, in certain situations, skipping this dependency check can save time and allow for more control over the installation process.

Explanation: The /nf option is used to bypass dependency checking during the installation process. This can be useful when the user is aware that the profile does not have any dependencies or when troubleshooting installation issues related to dependencies.

Example output: The profile file located at “path\to\profile_file” will be installed without checking for any dependencies.

Use case 4: Only install for the current user


cmstp /su "path\to\profile_file"

Motivation: In multi-user environments, it may be necessary to install a profile only for the current user, without affecting other users on the same system. This allows for user-specific configurations and preferences.

Explanation: The /su option is used to install the profile only for the current user. This ensures that the profile does not get installed system-wide and affects only the currently logged-in user.

Example output: The profile file located at “path\to\profile_file” will be installed for the current user only.

Use case 5: Install for all users


cmstp /au "path\to\profile_file"

Motivation: In certain scenarios, it may be necessary to install a profile system-wide, making it available to all users who log into the system. This can be useful for establishing a network or VPN connection that should be accessible to everyone.

Explanation: The /au option is used to install the profile for all users. This requires administrator privileges, as it affects the entire system and all user accounts.

Example output: The profile file located at “path\to\profile_file” will be installed system-wide, making it available to all users.

Use case 6: Install silently without any prompts


cmstp /s "path\to\profile_file"

Motivation: When performing automated installations or scripting tasks, it may be desirable to install profiles silently, without any prompts. This allows for a seamless installation process without requiring user interaction.

Explanation: The /s option is used to install the profile silently, without displaying any prompts or user interface elements. This is useful for automated installations or situations where manual intervention is not desired.

Example output: The profile file located at “path\to\profile_file” will be installed silently, without any prompts.

Use case 7: Uninstall a specific profile


cmstp /u "path\to\profile_file"

Motivation: There might be a need to remove a specific profile from the system. This could be due to changes in network configurations, security requirements, or simply to clean up unnecessary profiles.

Explanation: The /u option is used to uninstall a specific profile. The argument "path\to\profile_file" specifies the file path of the profile to be uninstalled.

Example output: The profile file located at “path\to\profile_file” will be uninstalled from the system.

Use case 8: Uninstall silently without a confirmation prompt


cmstp /u /s "path\to\profile_file"

Motivation: When scripting uninstallations or performing bulk removals of profiles, it may be desirable to skip confirmation prompts and automatically uninstall the profiles without user intervention.

Explanation: The /u option is used to uninstall a specific profile, while the /s option is used to uninstall silently without any confirmation prompts. This allows for automated removals without requiring manual confirmation.

Example output: The profile file located at “path\to\profile_file” will be uninstalled silently, without any confirmation prompts.


The cmstp command provides a versatile way to manage connection service profiles in Windows. With its various options, users can install, uninstall, and customize profiles according to their specific needs. The command enables automation, user-specific installations, and system-wide configurations, providing flexibility and control over network and VPN connections.

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