How to use the command cockpit-bridge (with examples)

How to use the command cockpit-bridge (with examples)

The cockpit-bridge command is used to relay messages and commands between the front end and server in the cockpit suite. It serves as a communication bridge, allowing interaction between the user interface and the server-side components.

Use case 1: List all cockpit packages


cockpit-bridge --packages

Motivation: Listing all cockpit packages can be useful when managing or troubleshooting the cockpit suite. This command provides an overview of the installed packages related to cockpit.

Explanation: The --packages option is used to display a list of all cockpit packages installed on the system. It helps to identify which cockpit components are present and can be useful for verifying the setup.

Example output:


Use case 2: Display help


cockpit-bridge --help

Motivation: When starting to use the cockpit-bridge command, it can be helpful to have access to the documentation and available options. Displaying the help information provides an overview of the command’s usage and available functionalities.

Explanation: The --help option is used to display the help information for the cockpit-bridge command. It provides a summary of the command’s purpose, available options, and usage examples.

Example output:

Relay messages and commands between the front end and server in the cockpit suite.

cockpit-bridge [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --packages            list all cockpit packages


The cockpit-bridge command is a powerful tool for relaying messages and commands between the user interface and server components in the cockpit suite. It provides functionalities such as listing all cockpit packages and displaying help information. Understanding these use cases can help facilitate the management and troubleshooting of the cockpit suite.

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