Using `cockpit-ws` Command (with examples)

Using `cockpit-ws` Command (with examples)

1: Starting with SSH Authentication

cockpit-ws --local-ssh

Motivation: This command is used to start cockpit-ws with SSH authentication enabled. It allows the browser application to communicate with cockpit-bridge using an SSH connection.

Explanation: The --local-ssh option enables SSH authentication for the cockpit-ws command. It allows the browser application to authenticate and establish a connection with the cockpit-bridge service running on the local machine.

Example Output: This command will start the cockpit-ws service with SSH authentication enabled. It will establish a secure connection between the browser application and the cockpit-bridge service.

2: Starting an HTTP Server on a Specific Port

cockpit-ws --port 8080

Motivation: Sometimes, it is necessary to run the cockpit-ws service on a specific port to avoid conflicts or to meet specific requirements.

Explanation: The --port option specifies the port number on which the cockpit-ws service should listen. In the above example, the cockpit-ws service will start an HTTP server on port 8080.

Example Output: This command will start the cockpit-ws service and bind it to port 8080. The browser application can now establish a connection to the cockpit-bridge service running on that port.

3: Starting cockpit-ws and Binding to a Specific IP Address

cockpit-ws --address

Motivation: In some cases, it may be necessary to bind the cockpit-ws service to a specific IP address, especially when there are multiple network interfaces available.

Explanation: The --address option allows you to specify the IP address on which the cockpit-ws service should listen. In the above example, the cockpit-ws service will bind to the IP address

Example Output: This command will start the cockpit-ws service and bind it to the IP address The browser application can now connect to the cockpit-bridge service using that IP address.

4: Starting cockpit-ws Without TLS

cockpit-ws --no-tls

Motivation: By default, cockpit-ws starts with Transport Layer Security (TLS) enabled for secure communication. In certain situations, it may be required to disable TLS.

Explanation: The --no-tls option allows you to start the cockpit-ws service without TLS encryption. This can be useful for testing or debugging purposes.

Example Output: This command will start the cockpit-ws service without TLS encryption. The browser application can establish an unencrypted connection with the cockpit-bridge service.

5: Displaying Help

cockpit-ws --help

Motivation: When working with a command line tool, it is essential to have access to the documentation or help information to understand the available options and their usage.

Explanation: The --help option displays the help information for the cockpit-ws command. It provides details about the available options, their descriptions, and examples of how to use them.

Example Output: This command will display the help information for the cockpit-ws command, including a description of each option and example usage. It is a useful reference when working with cockpit-ws.


The cockpit-ws command is a powerful tool for enabling communication between the browser application and various configuration tools and services. In this article, we explored different use cases of the command, including starting with SSH authentication, running an HTTP server on a specific port, binding to a specific IP address, starting without TLS, and displaying help information. By understanding these different options and their functionalities, you can effectively use the cockpit-ws command in your projects and configurations.

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