How to use the command 'codespell' (with examples)

How to use the command 'codespell' (with examples)

The ‘codespell’ command is a spellchecker specifically designed for source code. It helps identify typos and spelling errors in code files, ensuring cleaner and more readable code. By using ‘codespell’, developers can improve code quality by fixing common spelling mistakes.

Use case 1: Check for typos in all text files in the current directory, recursively



Motivation: Checking for typos in source code is crucial for maintaining code quality and readability. This use case enables developers to scan all text files in the current directory and its subdirectories to identify any spelling errors.

Explanation: The command ‘codespell’ without any arguments will recursively check all text files in the current directory for typos. It considers any file with a ‘.txt’, ‘.md’, or no extension as a text file.

Example output:

./file1.txt:11:  ThisIsASampleCode  ==>  ThisIsASampleCode
./file2.txt:2:  PringUsage  ==>  PrintUsage
./file2.txt:3:  userdoc  ==>  user documentation

Use case 2: Correct all typos found in-place


codespell --write-changes

Motivation: When typos are identified, it is crucial to fix them immediately. This use case allows developers to automatically correct the spelling mistakes found without requiring manual intervention.

Explanation: The argument ‘–write-changes’ enables ‘codespell’ to modify the code files in-place and replace the typos with the correct spelling. It is important to use this option with caution, as it directly modifies the original code files.

Example output:

./file1.txt:11:  ThisIsASampleCode  ==>  ThisIsASampleCode
./file2.txt:2:  PringUsage  ==>  PrintUsage
./file2.txt:3:  userdoc  ==>  user documentation

Use case 3: Skip files with names that match the specified pattern


codespell --skip "pattern"

Motivation: In certain cases, developers may need to exclude specific files or directories from the spellcheck process. This use case allows skipping files that match a specified pattern, enabling more fine-grained control over which files should be checked.

Explanation: The ‘–skip’ argument accepts a comma-separated list of patterns using wildcards. Files matching any of the specified patterns will be skipped during spellchecking.

Example output:

Skipping file: ./file1.txt
Skipping file: ./file2.txt

Use case 4: Use a custom dictionary file when checking


codespell --dictionary path/to/file.txt

Motivation: When working with specific domain-specific terms or abbreviations, it is important to provide a custom dictionary to the spellchecker. This use case allows developers to specify a custom dictionary file that will be used during the spellcheck process.

Explanation: The ‘–dictionary’ argument is used to provide the path to a custom dictionary file. Multiple ‘–dictionary’ arguments can be used to include multiple custom dictionaries. The custom dictionary should contain one word per line.

Example output:

./file1.txt:11:  ThisIsASampleCode
    Suggestion: ThisIsASampleCode

Use case 5: Do not check words listed in a specified file


codespell --ignore-words path/to/file.txt

Motivation: In some cases, there might be specific words that should be excluded from the spellcheck process, even if they are considered misspelled. This use case enables developers to provide a list of words to be ignored during the spellcheck.

Explanation: The ‘–ignore-words’ argument is used to specify the path to a file containing words that should be ignored during the spellcheck process. Each word should be listed on a separate line.

Example output:

Ignoring word: exampleword
Ignoring word: anotherword

Use case 6: Do not check specified words


codespell --ignore-words-list words,to,ignore

Motivation: Similar to the previous use case, this allows developers to explicitly specify words that should be ignored during the spellcheck. This can be useful for excluding common programming terms or abbreviations that are considered valid but may be flagged as misspelled.

Explanation: The ‘–ignore-words-list’ argument is used to specify a comma-separated list of words that should be ignored during the spellcheck. These words will not be flagged as spelling errors.

Example output:

Ignoring word: exampleword
Ignoring word: anotherword

Use case 7: Print lines of context around each match


codespell --context 3

Motivation: To provide better context for spelling errors, it can be helpful to include a few lines of code surrounding each identified typo. This use case allows developers to print a specified number of lines of context before and after each match.

Explanation: The ‘–context’ argument is used to specify the number of lines of context to be printed before and after each match. This provides additional information to understand the spelling error in the context of the surrounding code.

Example output:

./file1.txt:11:  ThisIsASampleCode
    Suggestion: ThisIsASampleCode

# Example code block

./file2.txt:2:  PringUsage
    Suggestion: PrintUsage

# Example code block

Use case 8: Check file names for typos, in addition to file contents


codespell --check-filenames

Motivation: Spelling errors can occur not only in code files but also in file names. This use case enables developers to check for typos in file names, ensuring that both the content and the naming conventions follow proper spelling.

Explanation: The ‘–check-filenames’ argument instructs ‘codespell’ to also perform a spellcheck on file names in addition to the contents of the files. This helps avoid inconsistencies in code files and their associated filenames.

Example output:

./file1.txt:11:  ThisIsASampleCode
    Suggestion: ThisIsASampleCode

# Example code block


The ‘codespell’ command is a useful tool for spellchecking source code. With its various options and arguments, developers can efficiently identify spelling errors in their code and correct them, leading to cleaner and more readable code. By utilizing ‘codespell’, developers can enhance code quality and ensure that code files adhere to proper spelling conventions.

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